excel - Access/Excel VBA - 跳过每个循环

标签 excel ms-access vba

以下代码编辑多个 Excel 工作簿,但在编辑工作簿之前,它首先检查工作簿是否处于读/写模式。如果不是,那么它将关闭并打开工作簿,直到读/写处于事件状态。


如果循环达到一定次数的尝试,例如 5,是否有一种方法可以实现带有“重试”和“跳过”按钮的简单对话框


跳过 - 跳到下一个工作簿

For Each i In MyArray

    xl.Workbooks.Open (i)
    'If workbook in read only mode , close and open till read/write is active
    Do Until xl.ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False
        xl.ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
        If GetAttr(i) = vbReadOnly Then _
            SetAttr i, vbNormal
        xl.Workbooks.Open (i)
    If xl.ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False Then Exit Do
    Loop    'Loop above till read/write active

    '''''More code here when workbook read/write mode




For Each i In MyArray

xl.Workbooks.Open (i)

'Set an attempts counter
attempts = 0

'If workbook in read only mode , close and open till read/write is active
Do Until xl.ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False
xl.ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
If GetAttr(i) = vbReadOnly Then _
SetAttr i, vbNormal
xl.Workbooks.Open (i)
If xl.ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False Then Exit Do

'Increment the attempts counter on each pass
attempts = attempts + 1
if attempts > 4 then
    'Create your dialogue box, maybe have it set the attempts 
    '    counter back to zero and try the loop five more times
    '    before hitting this stop again, or have it exit the loop
    '    if the user chooses to skip
end if
Loop    'Loop above till read/write active

‘’’’’More code here when workbook read/write mode


关于excel - Access/Excel VBA - 跳过每个循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32211430/


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