excel - Excel 是否可以识别单元格中以逗号分隔的数字模式并删除该模式的重复项?

标签 excel user-defined-functions excel-2011 vba

这对人眼来说是一项简单的任务,但如果我手动完成,我需要 2 周的时间才能完成。

我正在使用 UDF我从该站点获得的用于将 TextJoin 功能添加到我的 Excel 2011 中。效果很好,但是我在使用的新电子表格中遇到了问题,该电子表格有近 50,000 行。问题是我不能简单地删除重复项,因为在某些情况下数据重复,我需要捕获它。但是,我找到了另一列,其中包含与重复数据相关的唯一数据。通过查看这些第二个数据列,我可以很容易地分辨出什么是重复的以及需要包含什么。



Acct#   Lname,Fname Date    Data#1  Data#2
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  10001   1001
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  10001   1001
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  30003   1001
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  10001   1002
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  10001   1002
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  30003   1002
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  10001   2001
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  20002   2001
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  30003   2001
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  10001   2002
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  20002   2002
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  30003   2002
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  10001   2003
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  20002   2003
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  30003   2003
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  10001   3001
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  20002   3001
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  30003   3001
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  10001   3002
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  20002   3002
93  Blow, Joe   1/1/17  30003   3002
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  10001   4001
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4001
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4001
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  10001   4002
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4002
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4002
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  10001   4003
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4003
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  30003   4003

Acct#   (Lname, Fname)  Date    Data#1  Data#2
42  Doe, John   1/1/17  10001, 10001, 30003, 10001, 10001, 30003    
70  Smith, Jane 2/1/17  10001, 20002, 30003, 10001, 20002, 30003, 10001, 20002, 30003   
93  Blow ,Joe   1/1/17  10001, 20002, 30003, 10001, 20002, 30003    
177 Bryant, Kobe    2/1/17  10001, 30003, 30003, 10001, 30003, 30003, 10001, 30003, 30003   

我不知道如何将 excel 电子表格放在我的问题中,所以这是我目前拥有的屏幕截图以及所需的输出(我现在只关注 Data#1 列)。

enter image description here

根据要求,这是我用来提取 Data#1 的 VBA 代码:
Function TEXTJOIN(delim As String, skipblank As Boolean, arr)
    Dim d As Long
    Dim c As Long
    Dim arr2()
    Dim t As Long, y As Long
    t = -1
    y = -1
    If TypeName(arr) = "Range" Then
        arr2 = arr.Value
        arr2 = arr
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    t = UBound(arr2, 2)
    y = UBound(arr2, 1)
    On Error GoTo 0

    If t >= 0 And y >= 0 Then
        For c = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 1)
            For d = LBound(arr2, 1) To UBound(arr2, 2)
                If arr2(c, d) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
                    TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c, d) & delim
                End If
            Next d
        Next c
        For c = LBound(arr2) To UBound(arr2)
            If arr2(c) <> "" Or Not skipblank Then
                TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & arr2(c) & delim
            End If
        Next c
    End If
        TEXTJOIN = Left(TEXTJOIN, Len(TEXTJOIN) - Len(delim))
    End Function


enter image description here



Option Explicit
Sub PatternFilter()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Dim index1_col As String
    Dim index2_col As String
    Dim data1_col As String
    Dim data2_col As String
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastentryrow As Long
    Dim outputline As Long
    Dim iter1 As Long
    Dim iter2 As Long
    Dim datastring As String

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

    index1_col = "A" ' the column with the unique identifier, such as name or acct#
    index2_col = "C" ' another column which can either be unique
    data1_col = "D" ' data1 column
    data2_col = "E" ' data2 column

    lastrow = ws.Range(index1_col & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' so we know where to stop
    outputline = 2 ' just an incrementor to keep putting data on unique lines

    For iter1 = 2 To lastrow Step 1
        datastring = "" ' reset our output string
        For iter2 = iter1 + 1 To lastrow Step 1 ' a for loop to find the last row in each pattern set
            If (ws.Range(index1_col & iter2).Value <> ws.Range(index1_col & iter2 + 1).Value) _
                    Or (ws.Range(index2_col & iter2).Value <> ws.Range(index2_col & iter2 + 1).Value) Then
                lastentryrow = iter2
                Exit For
            End If
        For iter2 = iter1 To lastentryrow Step 1 ' a for loop to collect all of the data1 pattern
            If ws.Range(data2_col & iter2).Value <> ws.Range(data2_col & iter2 + 1).Value Then
                datastring = datastring & "," & ws.Range(data1_col & iter2).Value
                Exit For
            End If
            If datastring = "" Then
                datastring = ws.Range(data1_col & iter2).Value
                datastring = datastring & "," & ws.Range(data1_col & iter2).Value
            End If
        ws.Range("I" & outputline).Value = datastring ' save the data1 pattern
        datastring = "" ' reset the output string
        For iter2 = iter1 To lastentryrow Step 1 ' a for loop to collect all of the data2 pattern
            If ws.Range(data2_col & iter2).Value <> ws.Range(data2_col & iter2 - 1).Value Then
                If datastring = "" Then
                    datastring = ws.Range(data2_col & iter2).Value
                    datastring = datastring & "," & ws.Range(data2_col & iter2).Value
                End If
            End If
        ws.Range("J" & outputline).Value = datastring ' save the data2 pattern
        ws.Range("G" & outputline).Value = ws.Range(index1_col & iter1).Value ' put the unique identifier with the data so we know who the data belongs to
        ws.Range("H" & outputline).Value = ws.Range(index2_col & iter1).Value
        outputline = outputline + 1 ' increment the output line to avoid overwriting existing data
        iter1 = lastentryrow ' set this to last entry line (for loop will increment to the first line of the next entry for us)

End Sub


*编辑:每个 OP 请求添加了第二个索引列

关于excel - Excel 是否可以识别单元格中以逗号分隔的数字模式并删除该模式的重复项?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45578077/


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