VBA EXCEL 多个嵌套 FOR 循环,为表达式设置两个变量

标签 vba loops excel for-loop nested


T 是表达式输出的目标t.Value = time1 - time2
Y 是设定的时间和日期,不会更改= time1
X 是时间和日期,必须从与相应 y 相同的列中的范围中提取。 x=时间2



我玩过条件退出来重新排列 for 循环。我什至考虑过尝试 goto,直到我注意到它的提及所产生的一大堆尸体。

我愿意接受并感谢任何建议或指导。我注意到一些语言有退出和继续选项,但 VB 似乎没有?


Sub stituterangers()
Dim dify As Boolean
Dim difx As Boolean
Dim time2 As Date
Dim time1 As Date

For Each t In range("d7:cv7")
       For Each x In range("d8:cv11")
             If x > 0 Then time2 = x           
           For Each y In range("d2:cv2")
            time1 = y                     
        t.Value = time1 - time2
        t = 0
                Next y
      Next x
Next t
End Sub 

Sub stituterangersNEW()
Dim t As range
Dim x As range
Dim dify As Boolean
Dim difx As Boolean
Dim time2 As Date
Dim time1 As Date

On Error Resume Next

    'Looping through each of our output cells.
    For Each t In range("d7:cv7")
     For Each y In range("d2:cv2")
            If t.Column = y.Column Then
            time1 = y.Value
             If y = 0 Then Exit Sub
                End If
        For Each x In range("d8:cv11")
            'Check to see if our dep time corresponds to
            'the matching column in our output
            If t.Column = x.Column Then
                If x > 0 Then
                    time2 = x.Value
                    t.Value = time1 - time2
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            Next x
        Next y
    Next t

End Sub


我目前无法访问您的 Google 文档文件,但您的代码存在一些问题,我将在回答时尝试解决这些问题

Sub stituterangersNEW()
Dim t As Range
Dim x As Range
Dim dify As Boolean
Dim difx As Boolean
Dim time2 As Date
Dim time1 As Date

    'You said time1 doesn't change, so I left it in a singe cell.
    'If that is not correct, you will have to play with this some more.
    time1 = Range("A6").Value

    'Looping through each of our output cells.
    For Each t In Range("B7:E9") 'Change these to match your real ranges.

        'Looping through each departure date/time.
        '(Only one row in your example. This can be adjusted if needed.)
        For Each x In Range("B2:E2") 'Change these to match your real ranges.
            'Check to see if our dep time corresponds to
            'the matching column in our output
            If t.Column = x.Column Then
                'If it does, then check to see what our time value is
                If x > 0 Then
                    time2 = x.Value
                    'Apply the change to the output cell.
                    t.Value = time1 - time2
                    'Exit out of this loop and move to the next output cell.
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
            'If the columns don't match, or the x value is not a time
            'then we'll move to the next dep time (x)
        Next x
    Next t

End Sub


我更改了您的工作表以供使用(请参阅上面的新子)。这可能不能直接满足您的需求,但希望它能展示我认为您想做的事情背后的概念。请记住,此代码并不遵循我建议的所有编码最佳实践(例如,验证时间实际上是一个 TIME,而不是一些随机的其他数据类型)。

     A                      B                   C                   D                  E
1    LOAD_NUMBER            1                   2                   3                  4
2    DEPARTURE_TIME_DATE    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 19:30    11/12/2011 20:00                
4    Dry_Refrig 7585.1  0   10099.8 16700
6    1/4/2012 19:30

使用 sub 我得到了这个输出:

    A           B             C             D             E
7   Friday      1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
8   Saturday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00
9   Thursday    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1272:00:00    1271:30:00

关于VBA EXCEL 多个嵌套 FOR 循环,为表达式设置两个变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9690484/


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