vba - 在多列中显示小计

标签 vba excel

我想要做的是如果创建的每个小计中的值为 1,则进行 SUM 。我尝试过使用小计选项,但无法使其工作(可能是因为我不擅长使用 Excel),有时我会在总和中得到 0 和 1。所以我决定制作一个VBA。


- |    A    |    B    |  C  |
1 | Names   | Points  |  N  |
2 | Grimer  |   1     |  88 |
3 | Grimer  |   1     |  88 |
4 | Grimer  |   0     |  88 |
5 | Psyduck |   1     |  54 |
6 | Psyduck |   0     |  54 |
7 | Psyduck |   0     |  54 |
8 | Pikachu |   1     |  25 | 
9 | Pikachu |   1     |  25 |
10| Pikachu |   1     |  25 |


     |    A    |    B    |  C  |
   1 | Names   | Points  |  N  |
|  2 | Grimer  |   1     |  88 |
|  3 | Grimer  |   1     |  88 |
|  4 | Grimer  |   0     |  88 |
-  5 | Grimer  |   2     |  88 |
|  6 | Psyduck |   1     |  54 |
|  7 | Psyduck |   0     |  54 |
|  8 | Psyduck |   0     |  54 |
-  9 | Psyduck |   1     |  54 |
|  10| Pikachu |   1     |  25 | 
|  11| Pikachu |   1     |  25 |
|  12| Pikachu |   1     |  25 |
-  13| Pikachu  |   3     |  25 |

每行开头的虚线(从2开始)是我想要创建的组(每行的B单元格是结果......它应该是粗体)。下面的代码是获取之前的结果(表)。它有效,但我想知道是否有更好的解决方案在 Excel 上执行而无需编程。或者...是否有任何错误,因为当我运行它时,需要几秒钟(对于超过 4000 行)。

Sub GetPointsByPokemon()

    With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

        Dim Fila As Integer, InitRow As Integer, Suma As Integer

        PkNumber = .Range("C2").Value
        InitRow = 2
        ActualRow = 2
        Suma = 0

        Do Until .Cells(ActualRow, 1).Value = ""
            If .Cells(ActualRow, 2).Value = 1 Then
                Suma = Suma + 1
            End If

            If PkNumber <> .Range("C" & (ActualRow + 1)).Value Then
                .Cells(ActualRow, 1).Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert
                PkNumber = .Range("C" & (ActualRow + 2)).Value

                .Range(ActualRow & ":" & ActualRow).Offset(1).Value = .Range(ActualRow & ":" & ActualRow, 1).Value

                .Range("B" & (ActualRow + 1)).Value = Suma
                .Rows(InitRow & ":" & ActualRow).Group

                ActualRow = ActualRow + 1
                InitRow = ActualRow + 1
                Suma = 0
            End If

            ActualRow = ActualRow + 1

    End With
End Sub

所有数据都是示例,我必须更改代码上的一些值。我已经使用 MySQL 完成了它,但我真的想知道如何在 excel(和 vba)上完成它,提前致谢!





Sub AddSubtotals()

  Dim i As Long
  Dim numberOfRows As Long

  ' number of pokemon
  numberOfRows = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

  ' do bottom row first
  Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 1).value = Cells(numberOfRows, 1).value
  Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 2).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(R[-" & numberOfRows - 1 & "]C[-1]:R[-" & numberOfRows - (numberOfRows - 1) & "]C[-1],""" & Cells(numberOfRows, 1).value & """,R[-" & numberOfRows - 1 & "]C[0]:R[-" & numberOfRows - (numberOfRows - 1) & "]C[0])"
  ' convert to value
  Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 2).value = Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 2).value
  Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 3).value = Cells(numberOfRows, 3).value

  Range(Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 1), Cells(numberOfRows + 1, 3)).Font.Bold = True

  ' insert blank row in between each group of pokemon
  ' loop backwards because we are inserting rows
  For i = numberOfRows To 3 Step -1
    If Cells(i, 1).value <> Cells(i - 1, 1).value Then
      Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Insert xlShiftDown

      ' copy pokemon name down
      Cells(i, 1).value = Cells(i - 1, 1).value

      ' put formula into Points field
      Cells(i, 2).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(R[-" & i - 1 & "]C[-1]:R[-" & i - (i - 1) & "]C[-1],""" & Cells(i, 1).value & """,R[-" & i - 1 & "]C[0]:R[-" & i - (i - 1) & "]C[0])"
      ' convert to value
      Cells(i, 2).value = Cells(i, 2).value

      ' copy N value down
      Cells(i, 3).value = Cells(i - 1, 3).value

      Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 3)).Font.Bold = True

    End If
  Next i

End Sub


before running code


after running code

关于vba - 在多列中显示小计,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11556808/


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