arrays - 加快我的字符串文本替换代码

标签 arrays excel vba string


K 列 - ws 和服务器的名称及其 IP 地址(以逗号分隔) L 列 - 仅 IP 地址

在每批名称和 IP 中,或者只是 IP 中,由于各种原因,我不希望出现在最终输出中的范围。


K - Mike []、Mike1 []、Mike3 []......(数量不同) L-、、…………

L 中的 IP 与 K 中的 IP 相同,但顺序不一定相同。


我编写了以下子程序,它遍历 Excel ws 中的所有行,读取字符串,然后写出相同的字符串,但不包含我不想要的范围(您将看到这些是 10.6. 和 192.168.






'Sub to remove unwanted IP ranges from both columns
Sub CleanNamesIPsfromList()

    Const Col_Names = "J"
    Const Col_IPs = "K"
    Const ROW_NamesIPs = 5 'First line of Names and IP's

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim wsMain As Worksheet
    Dim arHoldNames() As String, arHoldIPs() As String
    Dim arPutNames() As String, arPutIPs() As String
    Dim strHoldNames As String, strHoldIPs As String
    Dim txt106 As String, txt192168 As String
    Dim rn As Long, rhn As Long, ri As Long, rhi As Long, lastrowN As Long, lastrowI As Long, i As Long
    txt106 = "10.6."
    txt192168 = "192.168."

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    With wb
        Set wsMain = .Sheets("Main")
    End With

    With wsMain
        lastrowN = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col_Names).End(xlUp).Row
        lastrowI = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col_IPs).End(xlUp).Row
        If lastrowN < ROW_NamesIPs Or lastrowI < ROW_NamesIPs Then
            MsgBox "No text found in Columns " & Col_Names & " " & Col_IPs, vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Run through whole ws row by row in both columns
        For i = ROW_NamesIPs To lastrowN
            rhn = 0
            'Load list of names into string holder
            strHoldNames = .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value
            'Split the string into the holding array based on the comma
            arHoldNames = Split(strHoldNames, ",")
            'Loop through the array to find those names not containg unwanted data
            ReDim arPutNames(0 To UBound(arHoldNames))
            For rn = 0 To UBound(arHoldNames)
                If InStr(1, arHoldNames(rn), txt106, vbTextCompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, arHoldNames(rn), txt192168, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                    'If it contains unwanted string, increment rn to next array cell and move on
                    rn = rn + 1
                    'I want this string so put in new array holder and increment array counter
                    arPutNames(rhn) = arHoldNames(rn)
                    rhn = rhn + 1
                End If
            Next 'Loop through array holding origional string
            'I have what I want, so put it back in relevant cell in ws
            .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value = Join(arPutNames, ",")
            'Remove all trailing commas
            While Right(.Cells(i, Col_Names).Value, 1) = ","
                .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value = Left(.Cells(i, Col_Names).Value, Len(.Cells(i, Col_Names).Value) - 1)

            rhi = 0
            'Load list of names into string holder
            strHoldIPs = .Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value
            'Split the string into the holding array based on the comma
            arHoldIPs = Split(strHoldIPs, ",")
            'Loop through the array to find those names not containg unwanted data
            ReDim arPutIPs(0 To UBound(arHoldIPs))
            For ri = 0 To UBound(arHoldIPs)
                If InStr(1, arHoldIPs(ri), txt106, vbTextCompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, arHoldIPs(ri), txt192168, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                    'If it contains unwanted string, increment ri to next array cell and move on
                    ri = ri + 1
                    'I want this string so put in new array holder and increment array counter
                    arPutIPs(rhi) = arHoldIPs(ri)
                    rhi = rhi + 1
                End If
            Next 'Loop through array holding origional string
            'I have what I want, so put it back in relevant cell in ws
            .Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value = Join(arPutIPs, ",")
            'Remove all trailing commas
            While Right(.Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value, 1) = ","
                .Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value = Left(.Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value, Len(.Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value) - 1)
        Next 'Move to next row and repeat untill end
    End With 'End main

End Sub



    Dim Lastcell As Range
    Set LastCell = .Range("K5:L5").End(xlDown)
    'capture all of the data at once with a range-array copy
    Dim arHoldAllNames As String, ArHoldAllIPs As String
    arHoldAllNames = .Range("K5", LastCell).Value
    ArHoldAllIPs = .Range("L5", LastCell).Value

    for i = 0 to UBound(arHoldAllNames, 1)
        'Code for Names
    for i = 0 to UBound(ArHoldAllIPs, 1)
        'Code for IPs

    temp = 0
    For i = 5 To LastCell
        .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value = arHoldAllNames(temp)
        .Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value = ArHoldAllIPs(temp)
        i = i + 1
        temp = temp + 1




    arHoldAllNames = .Range("K5", LastCell).Value
    arHoldAllIPs = .Range("L5", LastCell).Value


.Range("K5", LastCell).Value = arHoldAllNames 
.Range("L5", LastCell).Value = arHoldAllIPs

并且让 ws 中的所有单元格与数组中的内容进行传播?

或者我还需要执行 For 循环吗:

    temp = 0
    For i = 5 To LastCell
        .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value = arHoldAllNames(temp)
        .Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value = ArHoldAllIPs(temp)
        i = i + 1
        temp = temp + 1



'Sub to remove unwanted IP ranges from both columns
Sub CleanNamesIPsfromList()

    Const Col_Names = "J"
    Const Col_IPs = "K"
    Const ROW_NamesIPs = 5 'First line of Names and IP's

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim wsMain As Worksheet
    Dim arHoldNames() As String, arHoldIPs() As String
    Dim arPutNames() As String, arPutIPs() As String
    Dim strHoldNames As String, strHoldIPs As String
    Dim txt106 As String, txt192168 As String
    Dim rn As Long, rhn As Long, ri As Long, rhi As Long, lastrowN As Long, lastrowI As Long, i As Long
    txt106 = "10.6."
    txt192168 = "192.168."

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    With wb
        Set wsMain = .Sheets("Main")
    End With
    Dim NamCel As Variant
    Dim IpCal As Variant

    With wsMain
        lastrowN = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col_Names).End(xlUp).Row
        lastrowI = .Cells(.Rows.Count, Col_IPs).End(xlUp).Row
        If lastrowN < ROW_NamesIPs Or lastrowI < ROW_NamesIPs Then
            MsgBox "No text found in Columns " & Col_Names & " " & Col_IPs, vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Range-array copy the data into VBA
        NamCel = .Range(Col_Names & "1:" & Col_Names & lastrowN)
        IpCel = .Range(Col_IPs & "1:" & Col_IPs & lastrowI)

        'Run through whole ws row by row in both columns
        For i = ROW_NamesIPs To lastrowN
            rhn = 0
            'Load list of names into string holder
            'strHoldNames = .Cells(i, Col_Names).Value
            strHoldNames = NamCel(i, 1)
            'Split the string into the holding array based on the comma
            arHoldNames = Split(strHoldNames, ",")
            'Loop through the array to find those names not containg unwanted data
            ReDim arPutNames(0 To UBound(arHoldNames))
            For rn = 0 To UBound(arHoldNames)
                If InStr(1, arHoldNames(rn), txt106, vbTextCompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, arHoldNames(rn), txt192168, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                    'If it contains unwanted string, increment rn to next array cell and move on
                    rn = rn + 1
                    'I want this string so put in new array holder and increment array counter
                    arPutNames(rhn) = arHoldNames(rn)
                    rhn = rhn + 1
                End If
            Next 'Loop through array holding origional string
            'I have what I want, so put it back in relevant cell in ws
            '.Cells(i, Col_Names).Value = Join(arPutNames, ",")
            NamCel(i, 1) = Join(arPutNames, ",")
            'Remove all trailing commas
            While Right(NamCel(i, 1), 1) = ","
                NamCel(i, 1) = Left(NamCel(i, 1), Len(NamCel(i, 1)) - 1)

            rhi = 0
            'Load list of names into string holder
            strHoldIPs = IpCel(i, 1)
            'Split the string into the holding array based on the comma
            arHoldIPs = Split(strHoldIPs, ",")
            'Loop through the array to find those names not containg unwanted data
            ReDim arPutIPs(0 To UBound(arHoldIPs))
            For ri = 0 To UBound(arHoldIPs)
                If InStr(1, arHoldIPs(ri), txt106, vbTextCompare) > 0 Or InStr(1, arHoldIPs(ri), txt192168, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                    'If it contains unwanted string, increment ri to next array cell and move on
                    ri = ri + 1
                    'I want this string so put in new array holder and increment array counter
                    arPutIPs(rhi) = arHoldIPs(ri)
                    rhi = rhi + 1
                End If
            Next 'Loop through array holding origional string
            'I have what I want, so put it back in relevant cell in ws
            IpCel(i, 1) = Join(arPutIPs, ",")
            'Remove all trailing commas
            While Right(.Cells(i, Col_IPs).Value, 1) = ","
                IpCel(i, 1) = Left(IpCel(i, 1), Len(IpCel(i, 1)) - 1)
        Next 'Move to next row and repeat untill end
        ' Range-array copy the data back out to Excel
        .Range(Col_Names & "1:" & Col_Names & lastrowN) = NamCel
        .Range(Col_IPs & "1:" & Col_IPs & lastrowI) = IpCel
    End With 'End main

End Sub

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