excel - 我使用“查找”功能在 vba Excel 中查找单词

标签 excel vba

大家早上好,我正在创建一个 Excel 宏来查找单词并标记单词和单元格。我想找到我的数组中的单词。我遇到的问题是它标记了它找到的所有单词,即使它包含在另一个单词中。例如:我有“skin”这个词,它标记了“Asking”这个词,所以它在“Asking”这个词中标记了“skin”这个词,而我只想标记“skin”这个词。我有办法改变这个吗?


 Dim med_Arr As Integer
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim oRange As Range
    Dim wordToFind As String
    Dim Lista As Variant
    Dim cellRange As Range
    Dim Foundat As String
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ' for
        Set oRange = ws.Range("M:M")
        Lista = Array("BRAKE", "OIL", "FALL", "CUT", _
        "EXPOSED", "COPPER", "TREND", "NO ALARM", _
        "NOT ALARM", "ALARM IN", "SORE", "BURN", _
        "SPARK", "FLUID", "PAIN", "BLOOD", "MOULD", _
        "HURT", "ITSELF", "SEVERED", "BLISTER", _
        "SELF RUN", "STAY UP", "SKIN", "STAYING UP", _
        "BUZZER", "HEAT", "LATCH", "SPLIT", "VOICE", _
        "FIRE", "SMOKE", "HOT", "FRAY", "VOLUME", _
        "FELL", "WARM", "TILT", "TIPP", "UNSTABLE", "ARC", _
        "ENTRAP", "DROP")
        med_Arr = UBound(Lista) - LBound(Lista) 'LBound (0)
        For i = 0 To med_Arr 'for loop From 0 to Array Length
            wordToFind = Lista(i) 'saves word to find
            Set cellRange = oRange.Find(What:=wordToFind, LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
                            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) ' Finds first cell that contains at least one word and sets it to cell range
            If Not cellRange Is Nothing Then ' cell range exists then
                Foundat = cellRange.Address ' variable that contains address of cell that contains the word
                Do ' create variable textStart and set it to 1
                    Dim textStart As Integer
                    textStart = 1
                        textStart = InStr(textStart, cellRange.Value, wordToFind) ' set position of current word found to textStart
                        If textStart <> 0 Then ' if textStart different than zero, then it didn't find anything
                            cellRange.Characters(textStart, Len(wordToFind)).Font.Color = RGB(250, 0, 0) ' font Color-red
                            cellRange.Characters(textStart, Len(wordToFind)).Font.Bold = True 'bold
                            cellRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'background color to 40
                            textStart = textStart + 1 ' increase one to textStart (position)  to check if there's more words to look for in the rest of the paragraph
                        End If
                    Loop Until textStart = 0 ' loop again
                    Set cellRange = oRange.FindNext(After:=cellRange) ' set cellRange and find if there's another word in the rest of the paragraph
                Loop Until cellRange Is Nothing Or cellRange.Address = Foundat ' loop until cellRange is empty or the cellRange adress is equal to the current cell
            End If
        Next i



这是使用 VBsript Regexp 对象的方法:

Option Explicit

Sub RunHighlights()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, c As Range
    'loop over worksheets
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ' for
        For Each c In ws.Range("M1", ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp)).Cells
            If Len(c.Value) > 0 Then
                'highlight cell if any matches
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(HighlightWords(c) > 0, 40, xlNone)
            End If
        Next c
    Next ws
End Sub

'Highlight all words in a cell matching anything in WordList, 
'   and return number of matches
Function HighlightWords(c As Range) As Long
    Dim re As Object, txt As String, matches As Object, m, rv As Long
    Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    re.Pattern = "\b(" & Join(WordList(), "|") & ")\b" 'join word array to create pattern
                                                       '  \b = word boundary
    re.ignorecase = True
    re.MultiLine = True
    re.Global = True 'match whole text
    c.Font.Color = vbBlack 'reset any existing coloring
    Set matches = re.Execute(c.Value)
    For Each m In matches 'loop each match and apply font color
        Debug.Print c.Parent.Name, c.Address, m, m.firstindex, m.Length
        c.Characters(m.firstindex + 1, m.Length).Font.Color = vbRed
        rv = rv + 1
    Next m
    HighlightWords = rv 'return # of matches
End Function

'just returns an array of words to match on
Function WordList()
    WordList = Array("BRAKE", "OIL", "FALL", "CUT", _
        "EXPOSED", "COPPER", "TREND", "NO ALARM", _
        "NOT ALARM", "ALARM IN", "SORE", "BURN", _
        "SPARK", "FLUID", "PAIN", "BLOOD", "MOULD", _
        "HURT", "ITSELF", "SEVERED", "BLISTER", _
        "SELF RUN", "STAY UP", "SKIN", "STAYING UP", _
        "BUZZER", "HEAT", "LATCH", "SPLIT", "VOICE", _
        "FIRE", "SMOKE", "HOT", "FRAY", "VOLUME", _
        "FELL", "WARM", "TILT", "TIPP", "UNSTABLE", "ARC", _
        "ENTRAP", "DROP")
End Function

关于excel - 我使用“查找”功能在 vba Excel 中查找单词,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65890478/


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