c# - 使用 EPPlus 验证 Excel(电子表格)文件

标签 c# excel asp.net-mvc epplus

场景:有一个包含用户数据的 Excel 工作表。需要在插入(如果是新的)或更新(如果存在的话)数据库中的任何用户数据之前验证 Excel 工作表。如果任何单元格的数据不正确或数据为空,该单元格将以红色突出显示并带有解释错误的注释。


我想将此作为解决方案发布,这样可以帮助任何在使用 EPPlus 验证 Excel 工作表时遇到问题的人。

以下是excel表格结构。 excel sheet structure

以下是验证 excel 表的完整代码。

    public ActionResult BulkUserUpload(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
        string          tempFileName            = string.Empty;
        string          errorMessage            = string.Empty;

        if (uploadFile != null && uploadFile.ContentLength > 0)
            //ExcelExtension contains array of excel extension types
            if ( Config.ExcelExtension.Any(p => p.Trim() == Path.GetExtension(uploadFile.FileName)) )
                //save the uploaded excel file to temp location
                SaveExcelTemp(uploadFile, out tempFileName);
                //validate the excel sheet
                if (ValidateExcel(tempFileName, out errorMessage))
                    //save the data
                    //spreadsheet is valid, show success message or any logic here
                    //set error message to shown in front end
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage        = errorMessage;
                //excel sheet is not uploaded, show error message
            //file is not uploaded, show error message

        return View();

    private bool ValidateExcel(string tempFileName, out string errorMessage)
        bool                result              = true;
        string              error               = string.Empty;
        string              filePath            = GetTempFilePath(tempFileName);
        FileInfo            fileInfo            = new FileInfo(filePath);
        ExcelPackage        excelPackage        = new ExcelPackage(fileInfo);
        ExcelWorksheet      worksheet           = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
        int                 totalRows           = worksheet.Dimension == null ? -1 : worksheet.Dimension.End.Row; //worksheet total rows
        int                 totalCols           = worksheet.Dimension == null ? -1 : worksheet.Dimension.End.Column; // total columns

        //check spread sheet has rows (empty spreadsheet uploaded)
        if (totalRows == -1)
            result                              = false;
            error                               = "Empty spread sheet uploaded.";
        //check rows are more than or equal 2 (spread sheet has only header row)
        else if (totalRows < 2)
            result                              = false;
            error                               = "Spread sheet does not contain any data";
        //check total columns equal to headers defined (less columns)
        else if (totalCols > 0 && totalCols != GetColumnHeaders().Count)
            result                              = false;
            error                               = "Spread sheet column header value mismatch.";

        if (result)
            //validate header columns
            result                              &= ValidateColumns(worksheet, totalCols);

            if (result)
                //validate data rows, skip the header row (data rows start from 2)
                result                          &= ValidateRows(worksheet, totalRows, totalCols);

            if (!result)
                error                           = "There are some errors in the uploaded file. Please correct them and upload again.";

        errorMessage                            = error;

        return result;


    private bool SetError(ExcelRange cell, string errorComment)
        var         fill        = cell.Style.Fill;
        fill.PatternType        = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
        cell.AddComment(errorComment, "");

        return false;

    private bool ValidateHeaderColumns(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int totlaColumns)
        bool                result                  = true;
        List<string>        listColumnHeaders       = GetColumnHeaders();

        for (int i = 1; i < totlaColumns; i++)
            var             cell                    = worksheet.Cells[1, i]; //header columns are in first row

            if (cell.Value != null)
                //column header has a value
                if (!listColumnHeaders.Contains(cell.Value.ToString()))
                    result                          &= SetError(cell, "Invalid header. Please correct.");
                //empty header
                result                              &= SetError(cell, "Empty header. Remove the column.");

        return result;

    private bool ValidateRows(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int totalRows, int totalCols)
        bool        result              = true;

        for (int i = 2; i <= totalRows; i++) //data rows start from 2`
            for (int j = 1; j <= totalCols; j++)
                var         cell        = worksheet.Cells[i, j];

                switch (j)
                    //email address
                    case 1:
                            result      &= ValidateEmailAddress(cell, "Email address");
                    //first name
                    case 2:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "First name");
                    //last name
                    case 3:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "Last name");
                    //address line 1
                    case 4:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "Address line 1");
                    //address line 2
                    case 5:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "Address line 2");
                    case 6:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "City");
                    //telephone number
                    case 7:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "Telephone number");
                    //mobile number
                    case 8:
                            result      &= ValidateText(cell, "Mobile number");
                    //job title
                    case 9:
                            result      &= ValidateJobTitle(cell, "Job title");
                    case 10:
                            result      &= ValidateNumber(cell, "Salary");
                    case 11:
                            result      &= ValidateRole(cell, "Role");
                    case 12:
                            result      &= ValidateBranch(cell, "Branch");
                    //joined date
                    case 13:
                            result      &= ValidateDate(cell, "Joined date");

        return result;

    private bool ValidateEmailAddress(ExcelRange cell, string columnName)
        bool        result      = true;
        result                  = ValidateText(cell, columnName); //validate if empty or not

        if (result)
            if (!ValidateEmail(cell.Value.ToString())) //ValidateEmail => true, if email format is correct
                result          = SetError(cell, "Email address format is invalid.");
            else if (cell.Value.ToString().Length > 150)
                result          = SetError(cell, "Email address too long. Max characters 150.");

        return result;

    private bool ValidateText(ExcelRange cell, string columnName)
        bool        result      = true;
        string      error       = string.Format("{0} is empty", columnName);

        if (cell.Value != null)
            //check if cell value has a value
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cell.Value.ToString()))
                result          = SetError(cell, error);
            result              = SetError(cell, error);

        return result;

    private bool ValidateNumber(ExcelRange cell, string columnName)
        bool        result      = true;
        double      value       = 0.0;
        string      error       = string.Format("{0} format is incorrect.", columnName);
        result                  = ValidateText(cell, columnName);

        if (result)
            if (!double.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out value))
                result          = SetError(cell, error);

        return result;

    private bool ValidateDate(ExcelRange cell, string columnName)
        bool            result      = true;
        DateTime        date        = DateTime.MinValue;
        string          error       = string.Format("{0} format is incorrect.", columnName);
        result                      = ValidateText(cell, columnName);

        if (result)
            if (!DateTime.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out date))
                result              = SetError(cell, error);

        return result;

    private bool ValidateJobTitle(ExcelRange cell, string columnName)
        bool                result              = true;
        string              error               = "Job title does not exist.";
        List<JobTitle>      listJobTitle        = JobTitle.GetJobTitles((int)JobTitle.JobTitleStatus.Active);
        result                                  = ValidateText(cell, columnName);

        if (result)
            if (!listJobTitle.Any(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == cell.Value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()))
                result                          = SetError(cell, error);

        return result;

方法 ValidateBranch() 和 ValidateRole() 的实现与 ValidateJobTitle() 方法相同。

以下是经过验证但有错误的 Excel 工作表。 Error excel sheet


关于c# - 使用 EPPlus 验证 Excel(电子表格)文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51664221/


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