php - CentOS Ioncube make_license 每次我尝试执行时都是 "Killed"

标签 php unix licensing centos ioncube

我正在尝试使用 ioncube 为 Unix 系统提供的“make_license”生成器生成 ioncube 许可证。它适用于我的桌面 Ubuntu 系统,但不适用于我的 CentOS 网络服务器。


[root@myserver test]# ./make_license --passphrase 'secret' --expire-in 20d > 'license.txt'
[root@myserver test]#

在我执行文件后只是一个奇怪的消息“被杀死”,没有别的。我还尝试将“sudo”放在“./make_license --passphrase .....”前面,它起作用了,但许可证文件生成为空(0 字节)。

我已经尝试 chmod 755 和 777 来“make_license”,但它没有帮助。我也尝试停止“/etc/init.d/amavisd”,以防万一它是防病毒软件,但同样的事情。

我的服务器配置是:CentOS-6.2 64bit + Nginx, PHP-FPM, APC,

我在 Ioncube 论坛上发现了同样的问题,但没有答案:



所以我联系了 ioncube 支持,他们是这样回答的:

There are two things to check here:-

  1. That you have uploaded the make_license program to your server in binary mode and not in ASCII mode.
  2. You have the 32-bit compatibility libraries installed (as make_license, like the Encoder, is a 32-bit program).

The loader does not matter in this case as it has nothing to do with the problem with make_license.

You may need to install the 32-bit compatibility libraries for CentOS for make_license to work as that is a 32-bit program.

The make_license file will be a binary in any case but if you uploaded to your server via FTP in ASCII mode rather than binary then that might corrupt the file and cause the "killed" message. So please upload make_license again, making sure to choose binary mode in your FTP client.

所以我检查了我的 make_license 文件:
[root@localhost test]# file make_license

make_license: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped


但显然它不是二进制的。因为在我再次上传它之后,确保我的 FTP 客户端中的传输模式是“二进制” - 一切正常。不再生成“已终止”消息和许可证。


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