azure - 将 Azure OpenLogic Centos 6.7 升级到 CentOS 7.2

标签 azure centos azure-virtual-machine

将 Azure Openlogic CentOS 6.7 升级到 CentOS7.2 以使其具有类似于 CentOS 7.2 镜像的最佳方法是什么。
我做了 sudo yum update 但它没有升级到最新版本。可以提供升级到最新主要版本的步骤吗


我建议使用 CentOS 7.2 模板部署新操作系统,然后从旧 VM 迁移数据和配置。

就地升级容易出错。目前,CentOS 官网也不建议从 6 到 7 就地升级。

DO NOT USE this tool. Warning: use of this tool is currently BROKEN as several system-critical packages are of a higher version number in CentOS 6.7 than they are in CentOS 7 so those do not get upgraded correctly. This renders yum and several other system tools non-functional.

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