node.js - pm2 --watch 每隔 3 秒记录一次,与配置文件无关

标签 node.js ubuntu digital-ocean pm2

我们有以下 pm2 的配置文件:

module.exports = {
  apps: [
      script: 'index.js',
      // ------------------------------------ watch options - begin
      watch: ['/testing'],
      watch_delay: 10000,
      ignore_watch: ['node_modules', 'logs'],
      watch_options: {
        followSymlinks: false,
      // ------------------------------------ watch options - end
      error_file: 'logs/err.log',
      out_file: 'logs/out.log',
      log_file: 'logs/combined.log',
      time: true,

  deploy: {
    production: {
      user: 'SSH_USERNAME',
      host: 'SSH_HOSTMACHINE',
      ref: 'origin/master',
      repo: 'GIT_REPOSITORY',
      path: 'DESTINATION_PATH',
      'pre-deploy-local': '',
        'npm install && pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js --env production',
      'pre-setup': '',
有了这个,还有一个 index.js文件:
我们每 3 秒将 'testing 打印到日志文件中;
2021-05-31T12:02:39: testing
2021-05-31T12:02:42: testing
2021-05-31T12:02:45: testing
2021-05-31T12:02:48: testing
2021-05-31T12:02:51: testing
2021-05-31T12:02:55: testing
文件没有变化,这不是 logs正在监视的目录或文件,因为它们被 ignore_watch: ['node_modules', 'logs'], 排除在外.
为什么不是 --watch只监视文件更改,而是每 3 秒记录一次?


PM2 正在检测您的应用程序正在退出并重新启动您的应用程序。
您可以choose what PM2 should do when it detects when your app exists ,如 --no-autorestart .


$ pm2 --watch --no-autorestart --ignore-watch=node_modules start index.js
$ pm2 logs -f

PM2        | App name:index id:0 online
0|index    | testing
PM2        | App [index] with id [0] and pid [48907], exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT]

# Modify index.js to log `testing 2`.

PM2        | Change detected on path index.js for app index - restarting
PM2        | App name:index id:0 online
0|index    | testing 2
PM2        | App [index] with id [0] and pid [48910], exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT]

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