python - 安装 Anaconda3 时的问题

标签 python ubuntu installation anaconda


Anaconda 安装过程中出现错误的步骤:

Please answer ‘yes‘ or ‘no‘:‘
>>> yes

Anaconda3 will now be installed into this location:

- Press ENTER to confirm the location
- Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
- Or specify a different location below

[/hone/sonal/anaconda3] >>>

ERROR: File or directory already exists: ‘/hone/sonal/anac&1da3‘ If you want to update an existing installation, use the -u option. sonal@sonal-HP-Notebook:/tmp$




  • 第一:rm -rf/home/sonal/anaconda3 第二:重新安装acaconda3

  • 或者
  • 使用 -u使用您的安装命令
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