php - 如何使用php代码限制每小时发送电子邮件90封?

标签 php email sendmail

我想使用 php 代码限制每小时发送电子邮件 90 封


您可以使用 PHP 以这种非常 hackish 的方式来完成此操作:

创建一个名为 count_offset.txt 的空白文件 这将是一个跟踪 90 个用户的分块集偏移量的文件。

创建另一个名为 count_emails.txt 的空白文件 这将是一个跟踪特定小时内发送的电子邮件数量的文件。

然后,运行电子邮件功能(通过 cron)的 PHP 脚本可以打开第一个文本文件来检查已发送哪个分块集,并将其发送给下一组用户。它可以检查第二个文件是否有 90 封电子邮件的限制。


$userCount = getNumberOfUsers(); // Whatever query you may have that counts how many total users there are.

$numChunks = ceil($userCount/90); // How many different groups to send the email.

$chunkFile = fopen('chunk_offset.txt', 'r+'); // Loads the file as resource.
$currentChunk = fread($chunkFile, filesize('chunk_offset.txt')); // Load the contents of chunk_offset.txt into variable.
$currentChunk = ($currentCount == '' ? 0 : (int)$currentChunk); // Load 0 if contents of file blank.

$countFile = fopen('count_emails.txt', 'r+'); // Loads the file as a resource in variable $countFile.
$currentCount = fread($countFile, filesize('count_emails.txt')); // Load the content of the file into variable $currentCount.
$currentCount = ($currentCount == '' ? 0 : (int)$currentCount); // If the value of $currentCount is blank, then sets it to integer 0, otherwise sets the variable as the integer value of file contents.

if ($currentCount <= 90) // Test the variable to see if it's under the limit. If it's under, send the email.
    foreach ($whateverUserListYouHave as $integerKey => $emailAddress) // Iterating through whatever array of users you have.
    // Hopefully index number => email, but the index number is important.
    // Also, consistent ordering of the list of users is important.
    // Remember, you can always create your own counter.
        // The magic:
        // You're testing for set of people who fall within the current chunk.
        if ($integerKey >= ($currentChunk * 90) && $integerKey < ($currentChunk * 90 + 90))
            send_email($emailAddress); // Whatever arbitrary email function you have here.

$currentCount++; // Iterate up the count.
fwrite($countFile, $currentCount); // Write the new count into the file.

if ($currentChunk == $numChunks) // If the current chunk number hits the total number of groups of 90, then reset the file to blank...
    $currentChunk = '';
else if ($currentChunk < $numChunks) // ... Otherwise iterate up and let it hit the next chunk on the next hour.
    $currentChunk++; // Iterate up the chunk.
fwrite($chunkFile, $currentChunk);

然后,编写另一个 cron,每小时清除 count_emails.txt 文件(或将内容变为 0)。这个另一个 cron 可以运行另一个 PHP 脚本,或者如果您愿意的话也可以是 Bash 命令。

如果您想使用 Bash 命令执行此操作,这将是 cron:

0 * * * * cat /dev/null > count_emails.txt

以上行添加到 cron 时,使用 cat 清除 count_emails.txt 文件的内容。


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