command - 使用amixer时sset和cset有什么区别?

标签 command alsa amixer

amixer 有两组命令:

$ amixer -h
Available commands:
  scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
  scontents   show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
  sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
  sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
  controls        show all controls for given card
  contents        show contents of all controls for given card
  cset cID P      set control contents for one control
  cget cID        get control contents for one control


amixer sset 'PCM' 144

amixer cset numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume' 144




“简单控件”是其之上的抽象;这就是 alsamixer 中显示的内容。

运行 amixer controlsamixer scontrols 以查看差异。

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