jmeter:我可以使用 jmeter JMeter "JMS Point-To-Point"将消息发送到 MSFT Azure 服务总线队列吗?

标签 jmeter jms

我有 xml 消息并想将它们发送到 MSFT ASB 队列。

JMeter JMS Point-To-Point 是否可行?

如果是怎么办? 无法弄清楚如何配置。 我只有一个到 ASB 的连接字符串。



INFO o.a.q.j.s.SaslMechanismFinder: Best match for SASL auth was: SASL-ANONYMOUS
2018-10-02 18:46:19,734 INFO o.a.q.j.JmsConnection: Connection ID::8356a2a7-4cf2-4ab0-8ee9-240b62f5fd73:1 connected to remote Broker: amqps://<HOSTNAME>
2018-10-02 18:46:20,321 WARN o.a.q.j.p.a.b.AmqpResourceBuilder: Open of resource:(JmsProducerInfo { ID::8356a2a7-4cf2-4ab0-8ee9-240b62f5fd73:1:1:1, destination = <QUEUENAME> }) failed: Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. Resource: 'sb://<HOSTNAME><QUEUENAME>'. TrackingId:79fda5972c644c8d8f1c33bea40987ae_G52, SystemTracker:gateway7, Timestamp:10/2/2018 3:46:17 PM [condition = amqp:unauthorized-access]
2018-10-02 18:46:20,321 ERROR o.a.j.p.j.s.JMSSampler: Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. Resource: 'sb://<HOSTNAME><QUEUENAME>'. TrackingId:79fda5972c644c8d8f1c33bea40987ae_G52, SystemTracker:gateway7, Timestamp:10/2/2018 3:46:17 PM [condition = amqp:unauthorized-access]
javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. Resource: 'sb://<HOSTNAME><QUEUENAME>'. TrackingId:79fda5972c644c8d8f1c33bea40987ae_G52, SystemTracker:gateway7, Timestamp:10/2/2018 3:46:17 PM [condition = amqp:unauthorized-access]


是的,应该可以通过 AMQP JMS Client图书馆


  • 将这 2 个 jar 添加到 jmeter/lib 文件夹

    • geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.0.jar
    • qpid-jms-client-[版本].jar
  • 创建一个名为 的属性文件:

    # - sample JNDI configuration
    # Register a ConnectionFactory in JNDI using the form:
    # connectionfactory.[jndi_name] = [ConnectionURL]
    connectionfactory.SBCF = amqps://[SASPolicyName]:[SASPolicyKey]@[namespace]
    # Register some queues in JNDI using the form
    # queue.[jndi_name] = [physical_name]
    # topic.[jndi_name] = [physical_name]
    queue.QUEUE = queue1

配置JMS Point-to-Point这样(更改主机):

JMS Point-to-Point config


关于jmeter:我可以使用 jmeter JMeter "JMS Point-To-Point"将消息发送到 MSFT Azure 服务总线队列吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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