vue.js - 如何在大型 SPA 中使用良好的 VueX 商店设计?

标签 vue.js redux vuex state-management

我对 VueJS 比较了解,我也很熟悉 VueX 的使用。我正在从事几个 VueJS 项目,但我正在努力设置我的商店。


  • 如何拆分我的模块?每个资源(项目、文章等 等等),还是我的网络应用程序中的每个“页面/容器”?
  • 商店应该包含(并坚持)什么?界面状态或数据,或两者兼而有之?
  • 如何为我的模块、getter、操作和变更使用一个好的命名?

To be sure: I do know the syntax and use of Vue and VueX. My question is focused on the structure / architecture of VueX and its store.





+ store
  - actions.js // global actions (like a for snackbar singleton, loader etc)
  - getters.js // global getters (like a for snackbar singleton, loader etc)
  - index.js // import all other indexes (in the subfolders)
  - mutations.js // global mutations (like a for snackbar singleton, loader etc)
  - state.js // global state (like a for snackbar singleton, loader etc)
  + common
    - actions.js // common actions (shared with all resources)
    - getters.js // common getters (shared with all resources)
    - mutations.js // common mutations (shared with all resources)
    - state.js // common state (shared with all resources)
  + subfolder1 // a resource (like an article, a user, ...)
    - index.js // imports common/* files or siblings overriding it, and exports it
    - actions.js // optional file overriding common/actions.js
    - getters.js // optional file overriding common/getters.js
    - mutations.js // optional file overriding common/mutations.js
    - state.js // optional file overriding common/state.js
  + subfolder2 // an other resource ...
  + ...

common 文件夹中,您拥有“普通”资源的代码库,这有助于避免为每个要处理的资源复制它。如有必要,您可以通过覆盖所需方法的专用文件为特定资源覆盖它。

下面是一个为特定资源覆盖 common/actionos.js 文件的 fetchDB 方法的文件示例:

import { actions as baseActions } from "../common/actions"

const actions = Object.assign({}, baseActions) // we don't want to edit the base instance

// overrides the common method
actions.fetchDb = async function(context, args) {
  args.params.url = "myresource"
  await, context, args.params)

export default actions



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将可能为空(但不是空)的值传递给匿名回调时, typescript 会提示