xml - 将 xml 节点转换为 typescript 定义的类型

标签 xml typescript serialization

我想将 xml 响应转换为 typescript 对象。这就是我所做的:

enum status {
    Pending = 1,
    Rejected = 5,
    Validated = 6
type Request = {
    totalInDays: number;
    status: string;    

const response = '<ns1:Request> 

const object = response as Request // this is not working


您必须解析 XML 并将其转换为对象。 response 对象当前是 string 类型。使用 as 语法,您可以告诉 typescript 将其对待为另一种类型——它不会更改对象本身的类型。

关于如何将XML实体转换为JavaScript对象看here . 有了 JavaScript 对象后,您可以使用 as 语法告诉 TypeScript 将其视为 Request

一个例子(使用 xml-js ):

import {xml2js} from 'xml-js' 
// or with require:
// const xml2js = require('xml-js').xml2js;

enum status {
    Pending = 1,
    Rejected = 5,
    Validated = 6
interface Request { // Using interface instead of type
    totalInDays: number;
    status: status; // I think you had a mistake here in your question - should be of type 'status' not 'string'    

const response = '<ns1:Request> 

const object:Response = xml2js(response) as Response; // as Response might not be needed depending on the libraries typings, if there are any

关于xml - 将 xml 节点转换为 typescript 定义的类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57148350/


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