python - 为什么Python的时间函数(如perf_counter_ns)解析会不一致?

标签 python raspberry-pi counter clock


我一直在尝试用 Python (3.7) 编写一个分辨率至少为微秒的可靠计时器。目的是每隔一段时间运行一些特定的任务,持续很长一段时间。 经过一些研究后,我决定使用 perf_counter_ns,因为它具有更高的一致性和测试分辨率等(monotonic_nstime_nsprocess_time_ns, and thread_time_ns), 详细信息可以在 time module documentation 中找到和 PEP 564


为了确保 perf_counter_ns 的精度(和准确性),我设置了一个测试来收集连续时间戳之间的延迟,如下所示。

import time
import statistics as stats
# import resource

def practical_res_test(clock_timer_ns, count, expected_res):
  counter = 0
  diff = 0
  timestamp = clock_timer_ns() # initial timestamp
  diffs = []
  while counter < count:
    new_timestamp = clock_timer_ns()
    diff = new_timestamp - timestamp
    if (diff > 0):
      timestamp = new_timestamp
      counter += 1

  print('Mean: ', stats.mean(diffs))
  print('Mode: ', stats.mode(diffs))
  print('Min: ', min(diffs))
  print('Max: ', max(diffs))

  outliers = list(filter(lambda diff: diff >= expected_res, diffs))
  print('Outliers Total: ', len(outliers))

if __name__ == '__main__':

  count = 10000000

  # ideally, resolution of at least 1 us is expected
  # but let's just do 10 us for the sake of this test
  expected_res = 10000 

  practical_res_test(time.perf_counter_ns, count, expected_res)

  # other method benchmarks
  # practical_res_test(time.time_ns, count, expected_res)
  # practical_res_test(time.process_time_ns, count, expected_res)
  # practical_res_test(time.thread_time_ns, count, expected_res)
  # practical_res_test(
  #   lambda: int(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_stime * 10**9),
  #   count,
  #   expected_res
  # )


问题:为什么在时间戳之间偶尔会有明显的跳跃 在我的 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2 上进行了 10,000,000 次计数的多次测试产生了类似的结果,其中之一如下(时间当然是以纳秒为单位):

Mean:  2440.1013097
Mode:  2396
Min:  1771
Max:  1450832 # huge skip as I mentioned
Outliers Total:  8724 # delays that are more than 10 us

我的 Windows 桌面上的另一个测试:

Mean:  271.05812 # higher end machine - better resolution
Mode:  200
Min:  200
Max:  30835600 # but there're still skips, even more significant
Outliers Total:  49021

虽然我知道不同系统的分辨率会有所不同,但很容易注意到我的测试中的分辨率比 PEP 564 中的评级低得多.最重要的是,偶尔会观察到跳跃。

如果您对发生这种情况的原因有任何见解,请告诉我。它是否与我的测试有关,或者 perf_counter_ns 是否一定会在此类用例中失败?如果是这样,您对更好的解决方案有什么建议吗? 如果我需要提供任何其他信息,请告诉我。


为了完成,这里是来自 time.get_clock_info() 的时钟信息


Clock: perf_counter
Adjustable: False
Implementation: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
Monotonic: True
Resolution(ns): 1

在我的 Windows 桌面上:

Clock: perf_counter
Adjustable: False
Implementation: QueryPerformanceCounter()
Monotonic: True
Resolution(ns): 100

还值得一提的是,我知道 time.sleep(),但从我的测试和用例来看,它并不是特别可靠,因为其他人已经讨论过 here



这是由 append() 操作引起的,它偶尔需要重新分配底层数组(Python 列表就是这样实现的)。 通过预先分配数组,结果会有所改善:

import time
import statistics as stats
import gc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def practical_res_test(clock_timer_ns, count, expected_res):
  counter = 0
  diffs = [0] * count
  timestamp = clock_timer_ns() # initial timestamp
  while counter < count:
    new_timestamp = clock_timer_ns()
    diff = new_timestamp - timestamp
    if diff > 0:
      diffs[counter] = diff
      timestamp = new_timestamp
      counter += 1
  print('Mean: ', stats.mean(diffs))
  print('Mode: ', stats.mode(diffs))
  print('Min: ', min(diffs))
  print('Max: ', max(diffs))

  outliers = list(filter(lambda diff: diff >= expected_res, diffs))
  print('Outliers Total: ', len(outliers))

if __name__ == '__main__':

  count = 10000000

  # ideally, resolution of at least 1 us is expected
  # but let's just do 10 us for the sake of this test
  expected_res = 10000 

  practical_res_test(time.perf_counter_ns, count, expected_res)


Mean:  278.6002
Mode:  200
Min:  200
Max:  1097700
Outliers Total:  3985


Mean:  333.92254
Mode:  300
Min:  200
Max:  50507300
Outliers Total:  2590

要获得更好的性能,您可能需要在 Linux 上运行并使用 SCHED_FIFO。但永远记住,微秒精度的实时任务不是用 Python 完成的。 如果您的问题是软实时的,您可以侥幸逃脱,但这完全取决于错过最后期限的惩罚以及您对代码和 Python 解释器的时间复杂性的理解。

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