ios - 确定网络可用性

标签 ios parse-platform

Parse 是否有一种方法可以用来确定互联网访问是否可用?我意识到可以使用 Apple 的 Reachability,但想知道 Parse 是否有一个可以轻松返回状态的方法。

我想在尝试更新 iPhone 上的数据之前检查互联网访问情况。



The standard way of checking for connectivity in any iOS app is to use the Reachability APIs.

One has to be careful when specifying aggressive timeouts in queries. Ultimately, its the user who better knows the current network conditions and if waiting a little longer might be enough for the query to complete (as might be the case in a tunnel), in which case having a short timeout would make it very frustrating for the user.

For that reason, I suggest setting a NSTimer prior to executing the query, and invalidating it when the query returns. If the NSTimer fires before being invalidated, ask the user if they want to keep waiting for the results to come back, or show them a message indicating that the request is taking a long time to complete. This gives the user the chance to wait more if they know their current network conditions are not ideal.

You may find an example of this pattern in the Anypic sample app.

提到的来自 Anypic 示例应用程序的示例: AnyPic Sample App Repository


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