reactjs - 使用样式化组件和 Material UI : `React does not recognize the ` showText` prop on a DOM element` 时出现 Typescript 和 eslint 问题

标签 reactjs typescript material-ui eslint styled-components

我正在使用 s 样式组件返回一个 Material ui Fab 组件,但我在控制台中收到以下错误:

React does not recognize the `showText` prop on a DOM element.
  If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `showtext` instead


import styled from 'styled-components';
import MuiFab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';

type TFabContainer = {
    showText: boolean;
const FabContainer = styled(MuiFab)<TFabContainer>`
    width: 250px;
    animation-duration: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? '0.25s' : '1s')};
    animation-iteration-count: linear;
    animation-name: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? expand : contract)};


import styled from 'styled-components';
import MuiFab, { FabProps } from '@material-ui/core/Fab';

type TFabContainer = {
    showText: boolean;
    rest: FabProps;
const FabContainer = styled(({ showText, }: TFabContainer) => <MuiFab {} />)`
    width: 250px;
    animation-duration: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? '0.25s' : '1s')};
    animation-iteration-count: linear;
    animation-name: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? expand : contract)};

这消除了错误并以预期的行为正确呈现我的组件,但现在我收到了 2 个 lint 和 TS 警告:

const FabContainer = styled(({ showText, }: TFabContainer) => <MuiFab {} />)`
                               ^^^^^^^^                                ^^^^^^
'showText' is defined but never used ↑                                  ↑ Property 'href' is missing in type '{ rest: OverrideProps<FabTypeMap<{}, "button">, "button">; }' but required in type '{ href: string; }'.

这些错误以前不存在。也不确定 href Prop 的来源,它在 MuiFab 中不是必需的。



const FabContainer = styled(({ showText, }: TFabContainer & Omit<MuiFabProps, keyof TFabContainer>)) => <MuiFab {} />)({
    width: 250px;
    animation-duration: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? '0.25s' : '1s')};
    animation-iteration-count: linear;
    animation-name: ${({ showText }) => (showText ? expand : contract)};

这样您就可以告诉编译器您的 props 没有用作 DOM props。

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