ios - 我可以在 Realm 的线程中使用被忽略的属性吗?

标签 ios objective-c multithreading realm


To share objects between threads or re-use them between app launches you must persist them to a Realm ... all changes you make to it will be persisted (and must be made within a write transaction). Any changes are made available to other threads that use the same Realm when the write transaction is committed.



正确。当您通过重新查询从另一个线程访问 RLMObject 时,它将成为该对象的一个​​新实例,因此被忽略的属性不会随该实例一起携带。

话虽如此,只要您不尝试访问任何 Realm 支持的属性(否则将触发 RLMException),您就可以传递 RLMObject 实例从一个线程到另一个线程,并且仍然继续在新线程上访问其被忽略的属性。

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