ios - Watchkit 接口(interface) Controller 38mm 和 42mm 背景图像尺寸

标签 ios objective-c uistoryboard watchkit apple-watch

出于某种原因,我进行了高低搜索,但找不到我需要为 38mm42mm 的背景图像提供的确切图像尺寸Watchkit 中的尺寸。目前我正在使用“缩放填充”来拉伸(stretch)较小的图像。

enter image description here

enter image description here



这是我用来获取 WKInterfaceController 中背景图像大小的代码。我的应用程序有一个页面控件,您可能不希望末尾有额外的 -14。

    CGRect contentFrame = self.contentFrame;
    CGSize size = contentFrame.size;
    CGFloat contentScale = 2.0;
    size.width *= contentScale;
    size.height *= contentScale;

    //I lined up the generated image with one in the simulator until
    //they perfectly matched.  I did this on both 38 and 42 mm.
    //I am not sure why they all came out to be off 4.

    //There is an offset of 10 in IB and I am not sure I need this
    //to be 4 to match perfect.
    size.height -= 4;

    //it looks like there is 2 pixels around the edge
    size.width -= 4;

    //Using page mode we need to take off an additional 14 pixels for the page dots at the bottom
    size.height -= 14;

    return size;

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