javascript - 未能 "dynamically"导入 date-fns/locale 库 - TypeScript 给出尝试导入错误

标签 javascript typescript import locale date-fns


{locales: [{code: 'enUS'}, {code: 'deDE'}, {code: 'arAR'}]}
我想使用 date-fn 库来处理日期格式,但我必须导入整个 date-fn/locale,因为我事先不知道需要哪个语言环境:
import * as dateFnsLocales from 'date-fns/locale';
问题是,一些语言环境的代码格式不同(例如,当后端响应包含代码:'deDE',但对应的 date-fns 包只是'de'时,启用了对德语的支持。另一方面英文的 hand date-fns 包是“enUS”,而不仅仅是“en”。
import * as dateFnsLocales from 'date-fns/locale';

const supportedLocales = {locales: [{code: 'enUS'}, {code: 'deDE'}, {code: 'plPL'}]}
const newArrayWithSupportedLocales = => ({
        dateFnsLocale: (dateFnsLocales[locale.code] || dateFnsLocales[locale.code.substring(0,2)]),
不幸的是,我收到了 typescript 错误:No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'typeof import("date-fns/locale")'. TS7053即使我像这样对尝试进行硬编码:
dateFnsLocale: dateFnsLocales['plPL'.substring(0,2)]
dateFnsLocale: dateFnsLocales['pl']


这是我使用 Expo 的 Localization 进行动态查找的代码目的。

import * as Localization from 'expo-localization';
import * as Locales from 'date-fns/locale';
import { Locale } from 'date-fns';

 * Looks up a date-fns locale from the Expo localization object.  This falls back to `en-US`
 * @param localization Expo Localization object containing the locale and region.
 * @returns date-fns locale.
export function getDateFnsLocale({ locale, region }: Pick<typeof Localization, 'locale'|'region'>) : Locale {
  return (
    Locales[locale.substring(0, 2) + region] ?? Locales[locale.substring(0, 2)] ?? Locales.enUS
import { enUS, fr, frCA } from 'date-fns/locale';

describe('date-fns locale lookup', () => {
  it('shound find fr', () => {
    expect(getDateFnsLocale({ locale: 'fr', region: null })).toBe(fr);
  it('shound find fr-CA', () => {
    expect(getDateFnsLocale({ locale: 'fr-CA', region: 'CA' })).toBe(frCA);
  it('shound not find zz-ZZ', () => {
    expect(getDateFnsLocale({ locale: 'zz-ZZ', region: 'ZZ' })).toBe(enUS);

关于javascript - 未能 "dynamically"导入 date-fns/locale 库 - TypeScript 给出尝试导入错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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