c++ - 实现 std::error_category,与自定义命名空间一起使用时的名称解析问题

标签 c++ namespaces

总之 ,问题是名称解析。

我正在枚举错误代码并使用它们来派生/实现 std::error_condition类,但是将实现包装到 2 个单独的命名空间时会出现问题,一个用于枚举,另一个用于代码实现。



#include <string>
#include <system_error>

// *NOTE*: if we rename this from 'enums' to 'app' (comment below) and do
// the needed name change changes in the code it will compile just fine
//namespace app
namespace enums
    // error type enum
    enum class Error
        SignalFail,         // failed to set up or execute signal
        BadArgument,        // bad argument passed to function
        InvalidPointer,     // Pointer is invalid
        NoImplementation,   // No implementation
        OutOfRange,         // Out of range
        AlocationFailed,    // Failed to alocate memory
        MemoryReadFailed,   // Failed to read memory
        Unexpected          // Unexpected execution flow

    // error condition enum
    enum class Condition

// Register Error and Condition as error enum and condition enum
namespace std
    struct is_error_code_enum<enums::Error> :
        public true_type {};

    struct is_error_condition_enum<enums::Condition> :
        public true_type {};

namespace app
    // Category types are used to identify the source of an error.
    // They also define the relation between error_code and error_condition objects of its category,
    // as well as the message set for error_code objects.
    class error_category_t :
        public std::error_category
        error_category_t() noexcept {};
        inline const char* name() const noexcept override;
        std::error_condition default_error_condition(int err_value) const noexcept override;
        inline bool equivalent(const std::error_code& err_code, int err_value) const noexcept override;
        inline bool equivalent(int err_value, const std::error_condition& err_cond) const noexcept override;
        std::string message(int ev) const override;
        error_category_t(const error_category_t&) = delete;
        error_category_t(error_category_t&&) = delete;
        error_category_t& operator=(const error_category_t&) = delete;
        error_category_t& operator=(error_category_t&&) = delete;
    } const error_category;

    const char* error_category_t::name() const noexcept
        return "app category";

    bool error_category_t::equivalent(const std::error_code& err_code, int err_value) const noexcept
        return *this == err_code.category() &&
            static_cast<int>(default_error_condition(err_code.value()).value()) == err_value;

    bool error_category_t::equivalent(int err_value, const std::error_condition& err_cond) const noexcept
        return default_error_condition(err_value) == err_cond;

    // make_error_condition overload to generate custom conditions:
    // This function is called by error_condition's constructor for error condition enum types,
    // and should be overloaded for all custom error condition enum types in order to
    // provide a mechanism to generate the appropriate error_condition objects from them.
    inline std::error_condition make_error_condition(enums::Condition ec) noexcept
        return std::error_condition(static_cast<int>(ec), error_category);

    // This function is called by error_code's constructor for error code enum types
    inline std::error_code make_error_code(enums::Error code) noexcept
        return std::error_code(static_cast<int>(code), error_category);

namespace app
    std::error_condition error_category_t::default_error_condition(int err_value) const noexcept
        switch (static_cast<enums::Error>(err_value))
        case enums::Error::SignalFail:
        case enums::Error::BadArgument:
        case enums::Error::InvalidPointer:
        case enums::Error::NoImplementation:
        case enums::Error::OutOfRange:
        case enums::Error::AlocationFailed:
        case enums::Error::MemoryReadFailed:
        case enums::Error::Unexpected:
            return std::error_condition(enums::Condition::code_error);
            return std::error_condition(enums::Condition::unknown_error);

    std::string error_category_t::message(int err_value) const
        switch (static_cast<enums::Error>(err_value))
        case enums::Error::SignalFail:
            return "Signaling failed";
        case enums::Error::BadArgument:
            return "Bad Argument";
        case enums::Error::InvalidPointer:
            return "Invalid pointer";
        case enums::Error::NoImplementation:
            return "No implementation";
        case enums::Error::OutOfRange:
            return "Out of range";
        case enums::Error::AlocationFailed:
            return "Memory allocation failed";
        case enums::Error::MemoryReadFailed:
            return "Memory read failed";
        case enums::Error::Unexpected:
            return "Unexpected execution flow";
            return "Unknown error";


虽然我个人建议您将枚举放在与类别相同的命名空间中,但关键问题是 make_error_conditionmake_error_code函数必须与枚举位于相同的命名空间中。两者std::error_codestd::error_condition构造函数对这两个函数执行 ADL 查找。

inline std::error_condition make_error_condition(enums::Condition ec) noexcept
inline std::error_code make_error_code(enums::Error code) noexcept

关于c++ - 实现 std::error_category,与自定义命名空间一起使用时的名称解析问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56560209/


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