namespaces - 错误 : 'attrition' is not an exported object from 'namespace:rsample'

标签 namespaces

我正在使用 Bradley Boehmke 所著的 Hands on Machine Learning 一书。我写了以下行来访问数据,但我给出了这个错误。
损耗 <- rsample::attrition


我以前遇到过同样的问题,但后来我发现现在attrition DataFrame 属于 modeldata包裹。只需使用以下代码:

# Load the required libraries first

my_libraries <- c("rsample","modeldata","caret", "h2o", "dplyr", 
lapply(my_libraries, require, character.only = T)

# **PROBLEM STATEMENT** here: there is a list of ordered factor variables, 
# which is not_possible for h2o to deal with.

# for Job attrition data
churn <- attrition %>% mutate_if(is.ordered, .funs = factor,ordered = F)  

# NOTE: funs() can create a list of function calls. 
churn.h2o <- as.h2o(churn)
churn.h2o %>% View()

关于namespaces - 错误 : 'attrition' is not an exported object from 'namespace:rsample' ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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