c# - 在 C# 中运行时 Hook 托管方法

标签 c# methods hook managed detours

我在程序集中有一个带有公共(public)方法的密封类,我想添加一个日志记录系统,但不幸的是我没有来源。所以我试图在特定的日志记录方法上绕过这个方法,并在退出时调用原始方法。 Hook 工作正常,但我无法获得任何类型的参数,或者至少我得到了一些完全错误的东西。

我也不能使用任何类型的注入(inject)或像 PostSharp 这样的库,所以我想知道这种东西是否可以在运行时以某种方式实现,或者我可以放弃吗?


public Hook(Delegate target, Delegate hook)
  this.target = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(target);
  targetDelegate = target;
  this.hook = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(hook);

  originalBytes = new byte[6];
  Marshal.Copy(this.target, originalBytes, 0, 6);

  byte[] hookPointerBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this.hook.ToInt32());
  // Jump
  newBytes = new byte[]
    0x68, hookPointerBytes[0], hookPointerBytes[1], hookPointerBytes[2], hookPointerBytes[3], 0xC3

public object CallOriginal(params object[] args)
  // Remove the patch
  // Invoke the original method
  object ret = targetDelegate.DynamicInvoke(args);
  // Re-apply the patch
  return ret;

public sealed class Foo
    public void DoSomething(Int32 value1)
      // and here I am getting value1 = -1919988997

class Program
    public delegate void DoSomethingDelegate(Int32 value1);

    private static DoSomethingDelegate Original { get; set; }
    private static DoSomethingDelegate Hooked { get; set; }

    private static HookManager _hookManager;

    public static void DoSomething(Int32 value1)
      // This is called as well after foo.DoSomething but value1 is 251934152
      Console.WriteLine("Hooked DoSomething: " + value1) ;
      var hook = _hook["DoSomethingHook"];

      // Call the original Foo.DoSomething

    static void Main(string[] args)
      _hookManager = new HookManager();
      var originalPointer = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("DoSomething").MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer();
      Original = (DoSomethingDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(originalPointer, typeof(DoSomethingDelegate));
      Hooked = DoSomething;
      _hookManager.Add(Original, Hooked, "DoSomethingHook");

      // Call Hook method, HookManager it is just an extended dictionary...

      var foo = new Foo();

      // Calling the original method here with 1




  this.target = target.Method.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(); //Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(target);
  targetDelegate = target;
  this.hook = hook.Method.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer(); //Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(hook);

关于c# - 在 C# 中运行时 Hook 托管方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35206770/


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