git - 恢复分支 A 上的提交,稍后将 merge 到 B。提交应该留在 B

标签 git git-merge gitversion

假设我在无效的分支 A 上进行了提交,而这应该在分支 B 上进行。
Commit 被推送,后来我发现了这个错误。

我知道分支 A 将很快 merge 到 B,我只想还原 A 上的提交并应用 B 上的提交。
分支 B 将在某个时候 merge 到 A,但要晚很多 - 至于现在,只需要在 B 上应用更改。

当我想避免通过 merge 在分支 B 上再次恢复时,正确的方法是什么?您可以假设 merge 将由另一个人执行,这很容易出错,只需将还原应用于 B。


没有魔法可以让更改被删除、 merge 到其他地方然后出现,接受这一点应该有助于理解实现所需最终状态所需的步骤。


$ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
* 9eb80d9 (b) Some change added to b only
| * c297cb5 (a) Should be on b, but not a
* 3c5caf4 (main) Initial commit


I made a commit on invalid branch A, which was supposed to be made on branch B


$ git switch a
$ git revert HEAD # Revert the mistake
[a 92f9287] Revert "Should be on b, but not a"

此时 'Should be on b, but not a' 的影响在 a 上被否定并且在 b 上不存在。


避免 merge 问题就是建立一个共同的提交历史 - 在这里,这意味着挑选有问题的提交到 b 还原它:

$ git switch b
$ git cherry-pick 9eb80d9 # Reapply the mistake
$ git revert HEAD # AND revert it


$ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
* 8d7c582 (b) Revert "Should be on b, but not a"   # Fixing Mistake
* ecf8f7c Should be on b, but not a                # Fixing Mistake
* 9eb80d9 Some change added to b only
| * 3339ef1 (a) Revert "Should be on b, but not a" # Clean up
| * c297cb5 Should be on b, but not a                
* 3c5caf4 (main) Initial commit

此时'Should be on b, but not a'的影响在两个分支中都被否定了。



$ git switch b
$ git revert HEAD


$ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
* fb744c1 (b) Revert "Revert "Should be on b, but not a"" # Re-apply
* 8d7c582 Revert "Should be on b, but not a"              # Fixing Mistake
* ecf8f7c Should be on b, but not a                       # Fixing Mistake
* 9eb80d9 Some change added to b only
| * 3339ef1 (a) Revert "Should be on b, but not a"        # Clean Up
| * c297cb5 Should be on b, but not a
* 3c5caf4 (main) Initial commit

此时'Should be on b, but not a'的效果只在分支b上。


merge ,没问题

Branch B will be at some point merged to A


$ git switch a
$ git merge b
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.


$ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph
*   bf1ff12 (a) Merge branch 'b' into a
| * fb744c1 (b) Revert "Revert "Should be on b, but not a""
| * 8d7c582 Revert "Should be on b, but not a"
| * ecf8f7c Should be on b, but not a
| * 9eb80d9 Some change added to b only
* | 3339ef1 Revert "Should be on b, but not a"
* | c297cb5 Should be on b, but not a
* 3c5caf4 (main) Initial commit

现在 'Should be on b, but not a' 的效果在分支 ab 上。

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