html - 使用 <section> 和 <article> 进行 SEO 的正确方法

标签 html seo

我不知道如何使用这两个元素( Article | Section )
现在我想启动一个具有完全标准 HTML 代码的站点,

<!-- 1 -->
        <h1>title of page</h1>
        <p>some text</p>

<!-- 2 -->
            <h1>title of page</h1>
    <p>some text</p>


阅读有关 的更多信息HTML element article Mozilla 的:

The HTML element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication)... each post would be contained in an element, possibly with one or more s within.

不像article元素, section element :

The HTML element represents a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it.

因此,article 元素可以包含 section 元素。但是section element 不能包含任何其他语义元素。

 <h1>The article News from Valinor of Gandalf</h1>
  <h2>News from Valinor</h2>
  <p>A short introduction to the content of the article.</p>
    <h3>The name of section</h3>
    <p>The content of section.</p>
    <h3>The name of section</h3>
    <p>The content of section.</p>
 <h2>Publisher and copyright holder</h2>
 <p>Publisher and © 2021 Gandalf</p>

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