laravel-5 - Laravel Excel - 选择要导出的列

标签 laravel-5 maatwebsite-excel

我正在使用来自 maatwebsite 的 Laravel Excel,但在将数据导出到 xls 文件时遇到问题。我有这个查询,但我不需要显示 xls 文件中的所有列,但我需要在下载文件之前选择所有这些列来执行操作。在我的选择中,我有 8 列,但在我的标题中,我只有 7 列要显示,但这不起作用,因为 8ª 列也出现了。


 public function toExcel($id) { $b = Budget::find($id);

$budget = Budget_Item::join('budgets', 'budget__items.id_budget', '=', '')
    ->join('items_sizes', 'budget__items.id_itemSize', '=', '')
    ->join('items', 'items_sizes.id_item', '=', '')
    ->join('material_types', 'items_sizes.id_materialType', '=', '')
    ->select('items.reference AS Referência', ' AS Descrição', 'items_sizes.size AS Tamanho', 'material_types.material_type AS Material', 'budget__items.amount AS Quantidade', 'items_sizes.unit_price AS Val.Unitário', 'budget__items.price AS Val.Total', 'budget__items.purchasePrice')
    ->where('id_budget', '=', $id)

$budgetUpdate = [];
$budgetUpdate[] = ['Referência', 'Descrição', 'Tamanho', 'Material', 'Quantidade', 'Val.Unitário', 'Val.Total'];
foreach ($budget as $key)
  if ($key->purchasePrice > 0)
    $key->unit_price = $key->purchasePrice;

  $budgetUpdated[] = $key->toArray();
Excel::create('Proposta_'.$b->reference, function($excel) use($budgetUpdated)
  // Set the title

  $excel->sheet('Sheetname', function($sheet) use($budgetUpdated)
    $sheet->fromArray($budgetUpdated, null, 'A1', false, true);





在 Laravel excel 3.1 上测试 docs

在 Controller 上

public function exportAsCsv() 
    return Excel::download(new MyExport, 'invoices.xlsx');

在 MyExport 上,查看 map 功能

 class MyExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, WithMapping{

    public function collection(){
           return MyTable:all();

    // here you select the row that you want in the file
    public function map($row): array{
           $fields = [
        return fields;

另请查看 this

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