Angular CDK :Getting error for FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy in Overlay config

标签 angular angular-material typescript2.0 angular-cdk

我想为overlay.position().flexibleConnectedTo() 配置一个覆盖,因为connectedTo() 已根据official docs 被弃用.
否则有 quesstion对 connectedTo() 有一个很好的回答
enter image description here


    const origin:FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategyOrigin=this.RefElem;
    const overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig();
    overlayConfig.positionStrategy = this.overlay.position().flexibleConnectedTo(origin);
    const overlayRef = this.overlay.create(overlayConfig);
    const userProfilePortal = new ComponentPortal(

“ConnectedToFlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy:至少需要一个位置。在 FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy.push”


对于那些因为缺乏 this.getPositions() 的实现而坚持接受的答案的好奇者,这是复制粘贴的快速示例:

const positionStrategy = this.overlay.position()
        // here, top-left of the overlay is connected to bottom-left of the origin; 
        // of course, you can change this object or generate it dynamically;
        // moreover, you can specify multiple objects in this array for CDK to find the most suitable option
        originX: 'start',
        originY: 'bottom',
        overlayX: 'start',
        overlayY: 'top'
      } as ConnectedPosition])
      .withPush(false); // or true, if you want to push the overlay into the screen when it doesn't fit

关于 Angular CDK :Getting error for FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy in Overlay config,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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