python : Submit a form on website using python

标签 python web-scraping urllib2 mechanize

这是我要登录的页面的 html

<FORM NAME="form" METHOD="POST" ACTION="./memberlogin" onsubmit="this.onsubmit= function(){return false;}">

<table class='loginTbl' border='1' align="center" cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3' width='60%'>
   <input type="hidden" name="hdnrequesttype" value="1" />
    <td colspan='3' align="middle" class='loginHead'>Login</td>

   <tbody class='loginBody'>

    <td class='loginBodyTd1' nowrap="nowrap">Employee ID</td>
    <td class='loginBodyTd2'><input type='text' name='txtmemberid' id='txtmemberid' value='' class='loginTextBox' size='30' maxlength='8'/></td>
    <td class='loginBodyTd3' rowspan='2'><input type="submit" class="goclearbutton" value="  Go  "></td>
   </tr><input type='hidden' name='txtmemberpwd' id='txtmemberpwd' value='' />


        <td colspan='3' class='loginFoot'>
            <font class='loginRed'>New Visitor?</font>

            <a href=" Registration&body=New Registartion Request">Send</a> your registration request to library !



我对谷歌做了一些研究,发现我必须使用请求对象或 urllib 或 Mechanize 。所有这些都非常令人困惑,请告诉我最简单的方法。


为方便起见,我建议您使用 PhantomJS

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

phantom = webdriver.PhantomJS()


form_consultation = phantom.find_element_by_id('txtmemberid')

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