c - 如何在Makefile中循环遍历n个测试用例?

标签 c shell loops makefile

我希望我的 Makefile 能够自动执行我的测试。基本上我会有一堆测试用例来运行我的代码。我希望用户指定测试用例的数量,而不是硬编码的数量。


gcc main.c -o main

./main < test1.txt > output1.txt
./main < test2.txt > output2.txt
./main < test3.txt > output3.txt
./main < test4.txt > output4.txt
./main < test<n>.txt > output<n>.txt #for some value n


gcc main.c -o main

#of course this wouldn't be the syntax, but I just need the Makefile version of a loop, where all one has to do is change the n value 
for(int i = 0; i < n+1; i++){
   ./main < test<i>.txt > output<i>.txt;




您可能想要做的(从外观来看)是让您的 makefile 为您做各种事情:

# Target to build "main" its the first target and therefore the default 
# call "make" to run
    @gcc main.c -o main

# Arbitrary max number of tests, can be overwritten by passing the variable in
# Find all the tests, put them into an ordered list, then take the first 
# 1 to NUM_TESTS of them. Finally substitute test* for output*
TEST_OUTPUTS=$(subst test,output,$(wordlist 1,$(NUM_TESTS),$(sort $(wildcard test*.txt))))

# Target to do your testing, call "make test NUM_TESTS=3" or "make test" 
# to run all tests (up to 100).
.PHONY: test

# Pattern rule to run each test - you don't call this directly
# Note: this has a dependency on main so if main is not built it 
# will get built first
output%.txt: test%.txt main
    @./main < $< > $@

# Target to clean up output files, call "make clean"
.PHONY: clean
    rm -f main
    rm -f $(TEST_OUTPUTS)


  • make build - 构建主
  • make test - 运行找到的所有测试,最多 100 个(可以更改最大值)
  • make test NUM_TESTS=3 - 运行前 3 个测试(如果找到)
  • make test NUM_TESTS=3 -j6 - 与之前相同,但运行 6 个并行作业(或使用 -j 执行尽可能多的并行作业) - 即运行并行测试

说明: 模式规则将根据文件 test*.txt 生成文件输出*.txt。但我们想要调用规则 outputX.txt,为此我们通过搜索所有输出文件(在变量 TEST_OUTPUTS 中)然后选择输出文件的数量来生成输出文件列表。我们想要的测试。我们可以通过传入一个变量来做到这一点,或者如果我们不传入一个变量,那么它最多会进行 100 次测试(或者您设置的最大值。


关于c - 如何在Makefile中循环遍历n个测试用例?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57386910/


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