ios - 核心蓝牙 - 在后台执行长期操作

标签 ios objective-c iphone bluetooth core-bluetooth

这来自官方文档中的“iOS 应用程序的核心蓝牙后台处理”部分:


Some apps may need to use the Core Bluetooth framework to perform long-term actions in the background. As an example, imagine you are developing a home security app for an iOS device that communicates with a door lock (equipped with Bluetooth low energy technology). The app and the lock interact to automatically lock the door when the user leaves home and unlock the door when the user returns—all while the app is in the background. When the user leaves home, the iOS device may eventually become out of range of the lock, causing the connection to the lock to be lost. At this point, the app can simply call the connectPeripheral:options: method of the CBCentralManager class, and because connection requests do not time out, the iOS device will reconnect when the user returns home.


Now imagine that the user is away from home for a few days. If the app is terminated by the system while the user is away, the app will not be able to reconnect to the lock when the user returns home, and the user may not be able to unlock the door. For apps like these, it is critical to be able to continue using Core Bluetooth to perform long-term actions, such as monitoring active and pending connections.

因此,如果用户离开家几天,并且应用程序已被 iOS 终止,我们将不得不实现状态保存和恢复,以便 iOS 在检测到连接请求时重新启动应用程序,并让用于解锁门的应用程序。相关引述:

In the case of the home security app described above, the system would monitor the connection request, and re-relaunch the app to handle the centralManager:didConnectPeripheral: delegate callback when the user returned home and the connection request completed.


Now imagine that the user is away from home for a few days. If the app is terminated by the system while the user is away, the app will not be able to reconnect to the lock when the user returns home, and the user may not be able to unlock the door. For apps like these, it is critical to be able to continue using Core Bluetooth to perform long-term actions...


我问这个问题是因为重新启动已终止的应用程序的工作原理。用户杀死应用程序时和 iOS 杀死支持后台执行的应用程序时是不一样的:

Apps that support background execution may be relaunched by the system to handle incoming events. If an app is terminated for any reason other than the user force quitting it, the system launches the app when one of the following events happens...




没有。如果应用程序被用户强行杀死,则不会再次唤醒。唯一会被唤醒的情况是应用程序被 iOS 本身终止,当应用程序有一段时间没有进入前台时,这种情况迟早会发生。如果设备重新启动,它也不会重新启动。

话虽如此,根据我使用核心蓝牙的经验,我得出的结论是状态保存太不可靠了。我相信您尝试实现的用例不会工作得足够好,这很讽刺,因为这正是 Apple 正在推广其文档的用例。



如果用户切换飞行模式、切换蓝牙、重新启动 iOS 设备或任何其他导致状态更改的未定义原因,就会发生这种情况......如果“...用户离开家几天了。”。

我和其他人已多次报告此“问题”,但出于某种原因,Apple 似乎不想修复它。

除此之外,还存在许多其他问题,例如 XPC 连接在不同时间无明显原因中断。我还注意到,挂起的连接可能会进入“limbo”模式,其中外设状态设置为“正在连接”,但实际上,除非您循环连接状态,否则它永远不会连接。等等等等...


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