facebook-graph-api - Facebook 错误子代码 1870034

标签 facebook-graph-api restfb

我有一个自动化的工作,通过 API 将一些数据发布到 facebook,它工作正常,直到最近它开始抛出错误 com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException:收到类型为 OAuthException 的 Facebook 错误响应:权限错误(代码 200,子代码 1870034)

我用谷歌搜索了子代码 1870034 但没有帮助,如果有人以前遇到过这个错误,请解释一下这个子代码。



似乎与 TOS 无关。对我来说错误看起来像

{"error":{"message":"Permissions error","type":"OAuthException","code":200,"error_subcode":1870047,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title":"Audience Size too Low","error_user_msg":"You cannot remove users from this audience because it will result in a low audience size.","fbtrace_id":"xxx"}}

在这里你可以找到FB团队的官方答案 https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/2093728693993530

Thanks for writing in. I can confirm that this is a valid error message. Custom Audiences must maintain a certain minimum size, though the specific number is not actually documented. I believe the required minimum is approximately 100 unique users. If you need to remove so many users that you're going under this limit, I'd recommend deleting the custom audience entirely.

还有为什么是 Permissions error ...

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