qt - QML:尝试自动计算字体大小时检测到绑定(bind)循环

标签 qt qml


import QtQuick 2.10
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1

ApplicationWindow {

    id: mainW
    visible: true
    width: 1000
    height: 500
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

        anchors.centerIn: parent
        spacing: 0.05*parent.height

        Button {
            id: btn1
            font.family: "Robotto"
            width: 0.8*mainW.width
            height: 0.1*mainW.height
            text: "TEXT1"
            font.pixelSize: 0.8*height
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

        Button {
            id: btn2
            font.family: "Robotto"
            width: 0.8*mainW.width
            height: 0.1*mainW.height
            text: "A"
            font.pixelSize: 0.8*height
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

        Button {
            id: btn3
            font.family: "Robotto"
            width: 0.8*mainW.width
            height: 0.2*mainW.height
            //text: "A really really, but very really long text with lots of stuff"
            text: "Another button"
            font.pixelSize: getTextSize(btn3,btn3.text)
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter


    FontMetrics {
        id: metrics
        font.family: "Robotto"

    function getTextSize(element,text){
        metrics.font.pixelSize = 0.8*element.height;
        var brect = metrics.boundingRect(text);
        if (brect.width > element.width*0.8){
            var k = element.width*0.8/brect.width
            return Math.floor(metrics.font.pixelSize*k);
        else return metrics.font.pixelSize;



尽可能大,同时仍然为按钮顶部留出至少 10% 的边距。


qrc:/main.qml:37:9: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "font.pixelSize"



metrics.font.pixelSize = 0.8*element.height;

这一行是问题,我没有发现文档提到它,但看起来不允许在绑定(bind)期间修改 FontMetrics font 属性。


FontMetrics {
    id: metrics
    //font.family: "Robotto"

function getTextSize(element,text){
    metrics.font.family = "Robotto";
    return 10



Button {
    id: btn3
    font.family: "Robotto"
    width: 0.8*mainW.width
    height: 0.2*mainW.height
    //text: "A really really, but very really long text with lots of stuff"
    text: "Another button"
    //font.pixelSize: getTextSize(btn3,btn3.text)
    Component.onCompleted: {
        font.pixelSize = getTextSize(btn3,btn3.text)

解决方案 2:

MyButton {
    font.family: "Robotto"
    width: 0.8 * mainW.width
    height: 0.2 * mainW.height
    text: "Another button"
    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter


Button {
    id: button
    font.pixelSize: getTextSize()
    readonly property real pWidth: width * 0.8
    readonly property real pHeight: height * 0.8
    FontMetrics {
        id: metrics
        font.family: button.font.family
        font.pixelSize: button.pHeight
    function getTextSize(){
        var brect = metrics.boundingRect(text);
        if (brect.width > pWidth){
            var k = pWidth / brect.width
            return Math.floor(metrics.font.pixelSize * k);
        } else
            return metrics.font.pixelSize;

关于qt - QML:尝试自动计算字体大小时检测到绑定(bind)循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51162423/


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