amazon-web-services - AWS DMS 的内部工作原理

标签 amazon-web-services import export aws-dms

在 AWS DMS 中,迁移是如何在内部发生的?是不是像从源表中导出整个数据并导入到目标表中一样?还是像将表记录一条一条迁移到目标表?我是 aws dms 的新手,对那里的工作原理不太了解。


AWS 在其文档和博客文章中公布了 DMS 的工作原理。这是我在开始使用 DMS 时希望拥有的列表:


A task can consist of three major phases:

  • The full load of existing data
  • The application of cached changes
  • Ongoing replication

During a full load migration, where existing data from the source is moved to the target, AWS DMS loads data from tables on the source data store to tables on the target data store. While the full load is in progress, any changes made to the tables being loaded are cached on the replication server; these are the cached changes.


When the full load for a given table is complete, AWS DMS immediately begins to apply the cached changes for that table. When all tables have been loaded, AWS DMS begins to collect changes as transactions for the ongoing replication phase. After AWS DMS applies all cached changes, tables are transactionally consistent. At this point, AWS DMS moves to the ongoing replication phase, applying changes as transactions.



  1. 复制任务
  2. 持续复制或更改数据捕获 (CDC)

要详细了解 DMS 的内部工作原理,请阅读 AWS 的以下博客:

  1. Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong (Part 1)
  2. Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong (Part 2)
  3. Debugging Your AWS DMS Migrations: What to Do When Things Go Wrong? (Part 3)

最后,在 浏览特定于您的源数据库和目标数据库的博客。

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