xcode - 我怎样才能让 Xcode 调试器进入函数的程序集?

标签 xcode debugging assembly

每当我尝试进入一个我没有源代码的函数时,例如Apple 库中的任何内容,调试器都会跳到下一行。我怎样才能让它进入 assembly 体呢?我可以通过为我想进入的函数设置一个符号断点来解决这个问题,但这不太方便。


按下步进控件时按住 Control。在 Xcode 12 中为我工作。

The stepping controls have alternative operations for working with disassembly or threads. You use the Control and Control-Shift modifier keys to call these alternatives. Press Control to step by assembly language instruction instead of by statement (the step icons change to show a dot rather than a line under the arrow) or Control-Shift to step into or over the active thread only while holding other threads stopped (the step icons show a dashed rather than solid line below the arrow).


关于xcode - 我怎样才能让 Xcode 调试器进入函数的程序集?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52994167/


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