synchronization - Unison 移动 root 与 rootalias

标签 synchronization rename alias archive unison




当我想同步这个的时候,Unison 说

警告:未找到这些根的存档文件,其规范名称为:[...] 如果副本很大,则在此运行时更新检测可能需要一段时间。

我究竟该如何使用 rootalias使用旧存档文件(包含当前同步​​状态的内部 Unison 文件)而 Unison 不必重新读取我的所有文件的选项?


rootalias 的正确语法是

rootalias =//new-hostname//new-path ->//old-hostname//old-path

(通过在命令提示符中键入 hostname 查找本地计算机的主机名。)



unison -root "/media/frisch/DATEN_SSD/ISAS/" -root "/media/frisch/DATEN/Dok-Daniel/ISAS/"


unison -root "/mnt/DATEN_SSD/ISAS" -root "/mnt/DATEN/Dok-Daniel/ISAS" \
-rootalias "//frisch-ThinkPad-P51//mnt/DATEN_SSD/ISAS -> \
//frisch-ThinkPad-P51//media/frisch/DATEN_SSD/ISAS" \
-rootalias "//frisch-ThinkPad-P51//mnt/DATEN/Dok-Daniel/ISAS -> \


但是,请记住 Unison 作者的警告。

Warning: The rootalias option is dangerous and should only be used if you are sure you know what you're doing. In particular, it should only be used if you are positive that either (1) both the original root and the new alias refer to the same set of files, or (2) the files have been relocated so that the original name is now invalid and will never be used again. (If the original root and the alias refer to different sets of files, Unison's update detector could get confused.) After introducing a new rootalias, it is a good idea to run Unison a few times interactively (with the batch flag off, etc.) and carefully check that things look reasonable—in particular, that update detection is working as expected.

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