sql-server - SSIS 错误 "To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install Standard Edition (64-bit) of Integration Services "

标签 sql-server cmd ssis sql-server-data-tools ssis-2012

我正在使用 Visual studio ultimate 2012、SQL Server 2017 和 Sql Server Data tools 2012。我正在使用 windows 10 64 位。

我的包由脚本任务 (c#) 和 Sql 命令组成,它从 SSDT 成功运行,但是在尝试从 CMD 运行我的包时我得到了

To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install Standard Edition (64-bit) of Integration Services.

如果我制作另一个空包并尝试运行它,那么它也会成功运行。 请帮忙。


(1) Integration Services(共享功能)安装

我认为问题是您已经为 Visual Studio 安装了 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT),但是您没有从 SQL Server 安装中安装集成服务(共享功能),这是在外部执行 .dtsx 包所必需的 Visual Studio 。


(2) 使用dtexec(32位)执行

您可以尝试的另一件事是通过 32 位 dtexec 执行包。

如下所述Microsoft Documentation :

On a 64-bit computer, Integration Services installs a 64-bit version of the dtexec utility (dtexec.exe). If you have to run certain packages in 32-bit mode, you will have to install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility. To install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility, you must select either Client Tools or Business Intelligence Development Studio during setup.

By default, a 64-bit computer that has both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of an Integration Services command prompt utility installed will run the 32-bit version at the command prompt. The 32-bit version runs because the directory path for the 32-bit version appears in the PATH environment variable before the directory path for the 64-bit version. (Typically, the 32-bit directory path is :\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn, while the 64-bit directory path is :\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn.)



关于sql-server - SSIS 错误 "To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must install Standard Edition (64-bit) of Integration Services ",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53731230/


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