laravel - 获取条纹信用卡图像/图标 url api?

标签 laravel vue.js laravel-5 payment

是否有任何 API 来获取信用卡(Visa、Mastercard 等)图标/图像。

    $customerCards = \Stripe\Customer::allSources(
        ['object' => 'card', 'limit' => 3]

但作为回应,我没有得到任何图标/图像的 URL。

是否有任何特定的 API 来获取该 URL?


基于 Stripe 官方文档

If you want to display the logo(s) of accepted types of cards on your website:

You can find official images provided by Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Visa.

Dreamstale provides a high-quality collection of payment method vector icons that you can use at no cost in personal and commercial projects.

IconShock also provides logos on their website for use.

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