ios - UI 测试 Xcode 中的 128 个字符限制

标签 ios xctest xcuitest


exceeds maximum length of 128 characters. You can work around this limitation by constructing a query with a custom NSPredicate that specifies the property (label, title, value, placeholderValue, or identifier) to match against.'

func testMessage() {

        let tablesQuery = app.tables
        XCTAssert(tablesQuery.children(matching: .cell).element(boundBy: 0).staticTexts["<EXTREMELY LONG TEXT HERE (200chars)>"].exists)

我如何转换它以便在测试文本的有效性时绕过 128 个字符的限制。


您可以使用 label LIKE 作为完整字符串:

let yourSuperLongText = "your super long string"
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "label LIKE %@", yourSuperLongText)
let element = tablesQuery.children(matching: .cell).element(boundBy: 0).staticTexts.element(matching: predicate)


或者您可以对字符串的一部分使用 label CONTAINS:

 let partOfYoursSuperLongText = "part of your super long string"
 let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "label CONTAINS[c] %@", partOfYoursSuperLongText)
 let element = tablesQuery.children(matching: .cell).element(boundBy: 0).staticTexts.element(matching: predicate)


更多在这里: How to test that staticTexts contains a string using XCTest


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