python - 匹配两个节点并保持其他各自节点之间的路径 networkx

标签 python graph networkx



From   description    To      priority 
10        Start      20,30       1
20        Left       40          2 
30        Right      40          2
40        End        -           1



From   description    To      priority 
50        Start      60,70       1
60        Left       80          2 
70        Right      80          2
80        End        -           1

当我使用 Netwokrx Python 库将两个数据帧转换为图形时,我得到以下图形,df1 为 graph1,df2 为 graph2。节点的颜色基于它们的优先级。

enter image description here

我想匹配(组合)两个颜色相似的节点,例如 10/50、40/80、20/60 和 30/70。为了清楚起见,10 和 50 具有 Start 属性,而 40 和 80 具有 End。除了这些之外,10、50、40 和 80 还具有 priority ==1 属性。节点 20 和 60 具有“Left”属性,30 和 70 具有 Right。除了这些,20、60、30 和 70 的 priority ==2

我设法同时匹配两个图中所有节点的节点。但是我无法一步一步(使用一种循环)。这意味着首先匹配具有 blue 颜色的节点,然后添加具有 orange 颜色的节点之一,依此类推。我希望像下面这样。

enter image description here


for n1, n2 in g1.nodes(data ='True'):
    for x1, x2 in g2.nodes(data ='True'): 
        if ((g1.node[n1]['description']) == (g2.node[x1]['description'])&
            if ((g1.node[n1]['priority']) == (g2.node[x1]['priority'])
            name1 = str(n1) + '/' + str(x1)
            mapping1 = {n1: name1, x1:name1}
            mapping1 = nx.relabel_nodes(g1, mapping1, copy =True)




关于 sorted 的更多提示功能。

import networkx as nx

df1_graph = nx.DiGraph()
# add edges
df1_graph.add_edges_from([(10, 20), (10, 30), (20, 40), (30, 40)])
# add node information
nodes = [10, 20, 30, 40]
descriptions = ["Start", "Left", "Right", "End"]
priorities = [1, 2, 2, 1]
for node, (description, priority) in zip(nodes, zip(descriptions, priorities)):
    df1_graph.nodes[node]["description"] = description
    df1_graph.nodes[node]["priority"] = priority

df2_graph = nx.DiGraph()
# add edges
df2_graph.add_edges_from([(50, 60), (50, 70), (60, 80), (60, 80)])
nodes = [50, 60, 70, 80]
for node, (description, priority) in zip(nodes, zip(descriptions, priorities)):
    df2_graph.nodes[node]["description"] = description
    df2_graph.nodes[node]["priority"] = priority

# creating new graph
mappings = []
for node_1, data_1 in df1_graph.nodes(data=True):
    for node_2, data_2 in df2_graph.nodes(data=True):
        if data_1["description"] == data_2["description"] and data_1["priority"] == data_2["priority"]:
            name = str(node_1) + '/' + str(node_2)
            # add found mapping (node_1, name)
            # together with information about sorting order
            mappings.append((data_2["priority"], data_2["description"], node_1, name))

new_graph = df1_graph.copy()
# save the relabelled graphs in a lists
graphs_stepwise = []
# sort nodes according to priority and description (secondary key)
# we sort first by description to ensure in this example Left is replaced first
mappings = sorted(mappings, key=lambda x: x[1])
# sort by priority
mappings = sorted(mappings, key=lambda x: x[0])
# relabel one node at a time
for priority, description, node, new_label in mappings:
    new_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(new_graph, {node: new_label}, copy=True)

# print node information of saved graphs
for graph in graphs_stepwise:
    #[(10, {'description': 'Start', 'priority': 1}), (20, {'description': 'Left', 'priority': 2}), (30, {'description': 'Right', 'priority': 2}), ('40/80', {'description': 'End', 'priority': 1})]
    #[('10/50', {'description': 'Start', 'priority': 1}), (20, {'description': 'Left', 'priority': 2}), (30, {'description': 'Right', 'priority': 2}), ('40/80', {'description': 'End', 'priority': 1})]
    #[('10/50', {'description': 'Start', 'priority': 1}), ('20/60', {'description': 'Left', 'priority': 2}), (30, {'description': 'Right', 'priority': 2}), ('40/80', {'description': 'End', 'priority': 1})]  
    #[('10/50', {'description': 'Start', 'priority': 1}), ('20/60', {'description': 'Left', 'priority': 2}), ('30/70', {'description': 'Right', 'priority': 2}), ('40/80', {'description': 'End', 'priority': 1})]

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