python - GEKKO 中的 FOPDT 方程组 - 使用多个输入

标签 python gekko

我想使用两个或更多输入来创建更精确的变量估计。我已经仅使用一个输入和一个 FOPDT 方程对其进行了估算,但是当我尝试添加一个输入和相应的 k、tau 和 theta 以及另一个方程时,我收到“未找到解决方案”错误。我可以这样创建方程组吗?


--------- APM Model Size ------------
 Each time step contains
   Objects      :            2
   Constants    :            0
   Variables    :           15
   Intermediates:            0
   Connections  :            4
   Equations    :            6
   Residuals    :            6
 Number of state variables:           1918
 Number of total equations: -         2151
 Number of slack variables: -            0
 Degrees of freedom       :           -233
 * Warning: DOF <= 0
 Dynamic Estimation with Interior Point Solver
 Info: Exact Hessian

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

This is Ipopt version 3.12.10, running with linear solver ma57.

Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...:     6451
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.:        0
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:     1673

Exception of type: TOO_FEW_DOF in file "IpIpoptApplication.cpp" at line 891:
 Exception message: status != TOO_FEW_DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM evaluated false: Too few degrees of freedom (rethrown)!

EXIT: Problem has too few degrees of freedom.
 An error occured.
 The error code is          -10
 Solver         :  IPOPT (v3.12)
 Solution time  :   2.279999999154825E-002 sec
 Objective      :   0.000000000000000E+000
 Unsuccessful with error code            0
 Creating file: infeasibilities.txt
 Use command apm_get(server,app,'infeasibilities.txt') to retrieve file
 @error: Solution Not Found


from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px 

d19jc = d19jc.dropna()

d19jcSlice = d19jc.loc['2019-10-22 05:30:00':'2019-10-22 09:30:00'] #jc22

d19jcSlice.index = pd.to_datetime(d19jcSlice.index)
d19jcSliceGroupMin = d19jcSlice.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='T')).mean()
data = d19jcSliceGroupMin.dropna()

xdf1 = data['Cond_PID_SP']
xdf2 = data['Front_PID_SP']
ydf1 = data['Cond_Center_Top_TC']

xms1 = pd.Series(xdf1)
xm1 = np.array(xms1)
xms2 = pd.Series(xdf2)
xm2 = np.array(xms2)
yms = pd.Series(ydf1)
ym = np.array(yms)

xm_r = len(xm1)
tm = np.linspace(0,xm_r-1,xm_r)

m = GEKKO()
m.time = tm; time = m.Var(0); m.Equation(time.dt()==1)

k1 = m.FV(lb=0.1,ub=5); k1.STATUS=1
tau1 = m.FV(lb=1,ub=300); tau1.STATUS=1
theta1 = m.FV(lb=0,ub=30); theta1.STATUS=1
k2 = m.FV(lb=0.1,ub=5); k2.STATUS=1
tau2 = m.FV(lb=1,ub=300); tau2.STATUS=1
theta2 = m.FV(lb=0,ub=30); theta2.STATUS=1

# create cubic spline with t versus u
uc1 = m.Var(xm1); tc1 = m.Var(tm); m.Equation(tc1==time-theta1)
# create cubic spline with t versus u
uc2 = m.Var(xm2); tc2 = m.Var(tm); m.Equation(tc2==time-theta2)

x1 = m.Param(value=xm1)
x2 = m.Param(value=xm2)
y = m.Var(value=ym)
yObj = m.Param(value=ym)

m.Equation(tau1*y.dt()+(y-ym[0])==k1 * (uc1-xm1[0]))
m.Equation(tau2*y.dt()+(y-ym[0])==k2 * (uc2-xm2[0]))

print('solve start')

print('k1: ', k1.value[0])
print('tau1: ',  tau1.value[0])
print('theta1: ', theta1.value[0])
print('k2: ', k2.value[0])
print('tau2: ',  tau2.value[0])
print('theta2: ', theta2.value[0])

df_plot = pd.DataFrame({'DateTime' : data.index,
                        'Cond_Center_Top_TC' : np.array(yObj),
                        'Fit Cond_Center_Top_TC - Train' : np.array(y),
figGekko = px.line(df_plot, 
                   y=['Cond_Center_Top_TC','Fit Cond_Center_Top_TC - Train'],
                   labels={"value": "Degrees Celsius"},
                   title = "(Cond_PID_SP & Front_PID_SP) -> Cond_Center_Top_TC JC only - Train")



y = m.Var(value=ym)
yObj = m.Param(value=ym)

m.Equation(tau1*y.dt()+(y-ym[0])==k1 * (uc1-xm1[0]))
m.Equation(tau2*y.dt()+(y-ym[0])==k2 * (uc2-xm2[0]))

您需要为两个方程式创建两个单独的变量 y1y2

y1 = m.Var(value=ym)
y2 = m.Var(value=ym)
yObj = m.Param(value=ym)

m.Equation(tau1*y1.dt()+(y1-ym[0])==k1 * (uc1-xm1[0]))
m.Equation(tau2*y2.dt()+(y2-ym[0])==k2 * (uc2-xm2[0]))

如果您有不同的数据,您可能还需要为 ym1ym2 创建两个单独的测量向量。

编辑:多输入单输出 (MISO) 系统

对于 MISO 系统,您需要调整方程式,如 Process Dynamics and Control course 中所示。 .

y = m.Var(value=ym)
yObj = m.Param(value=ym)

m.Equation(tau*y.dt()+(y-ym[0])==k1 * (uc1-xm1[0]) + k2 * (uc2-xm2[0]))


y1 = m.Var(value=ym[0])
y2 = m.Var(value=ym[0])
y  = m.Var(value=ym)
yObj = m.Param(value=ym)

m.Equation(tau1*y1.dt()+(y1-ym[0])==k1 * (uc1-xm1[0]))
m.Equation(tau2*y2.dt()+(y2-ym[0])==k2 * (uc2-xm2[0]))

在这种情况下,y 是具有数据的变量,y1y2 是未测量的状态。

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