c++ - 如何将文件放入 boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory?

标签 c++ windows boost ipc

如何将具有任意名称和任意大小的文件放入 boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory

注意,我不是指 boost::interprocess::managed_mapped_fileboost::interprocess::file_mapping

我选择了 managed_shared_memory 因为其他选项需要一个固定的文件名 要指定,但我需要传输不同名称的文件。

我需要使用 boost,而不是 Win32 API。

在网上翻了海量的资料,没找到 找到任何合适的东西。




Added bonus versions at the end. Now this answer presents three complete versions of the code:

  1. Using managed_shared_memory as requested
  2. Using message_queue as a more natural appraoch for upload/transfter
  3. Using TCP sockets (Asio) as to demonstrate the flexibilities of that

All of these are using Boost only


 struct MyFile {
     std::string _filename;
     std::vector<char> _contents;


namespace Shared {
    using Mem = bip::managed_shared_memory;
    using Mgr = Mem::segment_manager;

    template <typename T>
    using Alloc = bc::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, Mgr>>;

    template <typename T> using Vector = bc::vector<T, Alloc<T>>;
    using String =
        bc::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Alloc<char>>;

    struct MyFile {
        using allocator_type = Alloc<char>;

        template <typename It>
        explicit MyFile(std::string_view name, It b, It e, allocator_type alloc)

        String _filename;
        Vector<char> _contents;


Shared::Mem shm(bip::open_or_create, "shared_mem", 10ull << 30);

std::ifstream ifs("file_name.txt", std::ios::binary);
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

auto loaded = shm.find_or_construct<Shared::MyFile>("file1")(
        file.native(), data_begin, data_end,

Note that the shared memory won't actually take 30GiB right away, even though that's what 10ull << 30 specifies. On most operating systems this will be sparesely allocated and only the pages that contain data will be commited.


您可能想知道 scoped_allocator_adaptor 的用途。我们好像没用过?

好吧,我们的想法是直接为每个文件使用 find_or_construct,而是 存储一个 Vector<MyFile,以便您可以利用 BIP 分配器的全部功能。


  • 带有文件名参数,将全部加载(如果它们存在 常规文件)
  • 不带参数,将列出以前加载的文件

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp> // for COLIRU
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
#include <boost/container/scoped_allocator.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
namespace bc = boost::container;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

namespace Shared {
#ifdef COLIRU
    using Mem = bip::managed_mapped_file; // managed_shared_memory not allows
    using Mem = bip::managed_shared_memory;
    using Mgr = Mem::segment_manager;

    template <typename T>
    using Alloc = bc::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, Mgr>>;

    template <typename T> using Vector = bc::vector<T, Alloc<T>>;
    using String = bc::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Alloc<char>>;

    struct MyFile {
        using allocator_type = Alloc<char>;

        MyFile(MyFile&&) = default;
        MyFile(MyFile const& rhs, allocator_type alloc)
            : _filename(rhs._filename.begin(), rhs._filename.end(), alloc),
              _contents(rhs._contents.begin(), rhs._contents.end(), alloc) {}

        MyFile& operator=(MyFile const& rhs) {
            _filename.assign(rhs._filename.begin(), rhs._filename.end());
            _contents.assign(rhs._contents.begin(), rhs._contents.end());
            return *this;

        template <typename It>
        explicit MyFile(std::string_view name, It b, It e, allocator_type alloc)
            : _filename(name.data(), name.size(), alloc),
              _contents(b, e, alloc) {}

        String _filename;
        Vector<char> _contents;

        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MyFile const& mf) {
            return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf._filename.c_str())
                      << " content size: " << mf._contents.size();
} // namespace Shared

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Shared::Mem shm(bip::open_or_create, "shared_mem", 512ull << 10);

    using FileList = Shared::Vector<Shared::MyFile>;
    auto& shared_files =

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Displaying previously loaded files: \n";
        for (auto& entry : shared_files)
            std::cout << entry << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: \n";
        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
                    std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

                    auto& loaded = shared_files.emplace_back(
                        file.native(), data_begin, data_end);

                    std::cout << loaded << std::endl;
                } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;


g++ -std=c++17 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp -lrt -DCOLIRU
./a.out main.cpp a.out


Loading files: 
Name: "main.cpp" content size: 3239
Name: "a.out" content size: 175176
Displaying previously loaded files: 
Name: "main.cpp" content size: 3239
Name: "a.out" content size: 175176





Live On Coliru

#include <boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using bip::message_queue;
static constexpr auto MAX_FILENAME_LENGH = 512; // 512 bytes max filename length
static constexpr auto MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 512ull << 10; // 512 KiB max payload size

struct Message {
    std::vector<char> _buffer;

    using Uint32 = boost::endian::big_uint32_t;
    struct header_t {
        Uint32 filename_length;
        Uint32 content_size;
    static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<header_t> and

    Message() = default;

    Message(fs::path file) {
        std::string const name = file.native();
        std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
        std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

        _buffer.resize(header_len + name.length());
        std::copy(begin(name), end(name), _buffer.data() + header_len);
        _buffer.insert(_buffer.end(), data_begin, data_end);
        header().filename_length = name.length();
        header().content_size    = size() - header_len - name.length();

    Message(char const* buf, size_t size) 
        : _buffer(buf, buf+size) {}

    static constexpr auto header_len = sizeof(header_t);
    static constexpr auto max_size =

    char const* data() const { return _buffer.data(); } 
    size_t size() const      { return _buffer.size(); } 

    header_t& header() {
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t*>(_buffer.data());

    header_t const& header() const {
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t const*>(_buffer.data());

    std::string_view filename() const { 
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len + header().filename_length);
        return { _buffer.data() + header_len, header().filename_length };

    std::string_view contents() const {
        assert(_buffer.size() >=
                header_len + header().filename_length + header().content_size);

        return {_buffer.data() + header_len + header().filename_length,

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Message const& mf) {
        return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf.filename())
                  << " content size: " << mf.contents().size();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    message_queue mq(bip::open_or_create, "file_transport", 10, Message::max_size);

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Receiving uploaded files: \n";
        char rawbuf [Message::max_size];
        while (true) {
            size_t n;
            unsigned prio;
            mq.receive(rawbuf, sizeof(rawbuf), n, prio);

            Message decoded(rawbuf, n);
            std::cout << "Received: " << decoded << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: \n";
        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    Message encoded(file);
                    std::cout << "Sending: " << encoded << std::endl;

                    mq.send(encoded.data(), encoded.size(), 0);
                } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;


enter image description here

Note that there is a filesize limit in this approach because messages have a maximum length

TCP 套接字版本

这是一个 TCP 套接字实现。

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::system::error_code;
static constexpr auto MAX_FILENAME_LENGH = 512; // 512 bytes max filename length
static constexpr auto MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 512ull << 10; // 512 KiB max payload size

struct Message {
    std::vector<char> _buffer;

    using Uint32 = boost::endian::big_uint32_t;
    struct header_t {
        Uint32 filename_length;
        Uint32 content_size;
    static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<header_t> and

    Message() = default;

    Message(fs::path file) {
        std::string const name = file.native();
        std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
        std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

        _buffer.resize(header_len + name.length());
        std::copy(begin(name), end(name), _buffer.data() + header_len);
        _buffer.insert(_buffer.end(), data_begin, data_end);
        header().filename_length = name.length();
        header().content_size    = actual_size() - header_len - name.length();

    Message(char const* buf, size_t size) 
        : _buffer(buf, buf+size) {}

    static constexpr auto header_len = sizeof(header_t);
    static constexpr auto max_size =

    char const* data() const { return _buffer.data(); }
    size_t actual_size() const { return _buffer.size(); }
    size_t decoded_size() const {
        return header().filename_length + header().content_size;
    bool is_complete() const {
        return actual_size() >= header_len && actual_size() >= decoded_size();

    header_t& header() {
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t*>(_buffer.data());

    header_t const& header() const {
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t const*>(_buffer.data());

    std::string_view filename() const { 
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len + header().filename_length);
        return std::string_view(_buffer.data() + header_len,

    std::string_view contents() const {
        assert(actual_size() >= decoded_size());

        return std::string_view(_buffer.data() + header_len +

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Message const& mf) {
        return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf.filename())
                  << " content size: " << mf.contents().size();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    boost::asio::io_context ctx;
    u_int16_t port = 8989;

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Receiving uploaded files: " << std::endl;
        tcp::acceptor acc(ctx, tcp::endpoint{{}, port});

        while (true) {
            auto s = acc.accept();
            std::cout << "Connection accepted from " << s.remote_endpoint() << std::endl;

            Message msg;
            auto buf = boost::asio::dynamic_buffer(msg._buffer);
            error_code ec;
            while (auto n = read(s, buf, ec)) {
                std::cout << "(read " << n << " bytes, " << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;

                while (msg.is_complete()) {
                    std::cout << "Received: " << msg << std::endl;
                    buf.consume(msg.decoded_size() + Message::header_len);
            std::cout << "Connection closed" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: " << std::endl;
        tcp::socket s(ctx);
        s.connect(tcp::endpoint{{}, port});

        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    Message encoded(file);
                    std::cout << "Sending: " << encoded << std::endl;

                    write(s, boost::asio::buffer(encoded._buffer));
               } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;


enter image description here

Note how this easily scales to larger files, multiple files in a single connection and even multiple connections simultaneously if you need. It also doesn't do double buffering, which improves performance. This is why this kind of approach is much more usual than any of your other approaches.

关于c++ - 如何将文件放入 boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66576437/


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