python - 我想抓取多个页面,但我得到了最后一个 url 的结果。为什么?

标签 python loops for-loop url web-scraping

为什么结果输出的是最后一个url? 我的代码有问题吗?

import requests as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import numpy as np

#can i use while loop instead for?
for page in np.arange(1,15):
    url = uReq.get('{}.html?city=%E1%80%99%E1%80%9B%E1%80%99%E1%80%B9%E1%80%B8%E1%80%80%E1%80%AF%E1%80%94%E1%80%B9%E1%80%B8%E1%81%BF%E1%80%99%E1%80%AD%E1%80%B3%E1%82%95%E1%80%94%E1%80%9A%E1%80%B9'.format(page)).text 

#have used for loop,but result is the last url
page_soup = soup(url,"html.parser")
info = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class: ","row detail_row"})

#Do all the url return output in one file?
filename = "wheel.csv"
file = open(filename,"w",encoding="utf-8")


您应该检查 for 循环之后发生的事情的缩进,否则,变量 url 会在循环的每次迭代中被替换,因此只保留最后一个。

import requests as uReq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import numpy as np

for page in np.arange(1,15):
    url = uReq.get('{}.html?city=%E1%80%99%E1%80%9B%E1%80%99%E1%80%B9%E1%80%B8%E1%80%80%E1%80%AF%E1%80%94%E1%80%B9%E1%80%B8%E1%81%BF%E1%80%99%E1%80%AD%E1%80%B3%E1%82%95%E1%80%94%E1%80%9A%E1%80%B9'.format(page)).text 

    # this should be done N times (where N is the range param)
    page_soup = soup(url,"html.parser")
    info = page_soup.findAll("div",{"class: ","row detail_row"})

    # append the results to the csv file
    filename = "wheel.csv"
    file = open(filename,"a",encoding="utf-8")
    ...  # code for writing in the csv file


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