scala - 评估抽象类型成员

标签 scala

为什么这段代码无法编译?在 Scala 2.13.6 上测试。有没有办法让 scalac 知道 SizeOfType[Unit]#Size 实际上是 Short

trait SizeOfType[T] {
  type Size
  def getSize(): Size

object SizeOfType {
  implicit def unit: SizeOfType[Unit] = new SizeOfType[Unit] {
    type Size = Short
    def getSize(): Short = 0

  def test(implicit ev: SizeOfType[Unit]): Short = ev.getSize()
[error] type mismatch;
[error]  found   : ev.Size
[error]  required: Short
[error]   def test(implicit ev: SizeOfType[Unit]): Short = ev.getSize()


当使用类型成员而不是类型参数进行参数化时,您必须在请求类型类实例时提供类型细化,否则您只是在向 Scala 请求



SizeOfType[Unit] { type Size = Short }


implicit val unit: SizeOfType[Unit] { type Size = Short } =
  new SizeOfType[Unit] {
    type Size = Short
    def getSize(): Short = 0

def test(implicit ev: SizeOfType[Unit] { type Size = Short }): Short = ev.getSize()
val x: Short = test // ok


implicit val unit: SizeOfType[Unit] { type Size = Short } = ???
def test(implicit ev: SizeOfType[Unit]): ev.Size = ev.getSize()
val x: Short = test // ok

我建议学习 underscoreio/shapeless-guide 的“第 4 章,使用类型和隐式” ,特别是提到的部分

...If we define the return type as Second[L], the Out type member will be erased from the return type and the type class will not work correctly.

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