wordpress - 在 WooCommerce "My account"订单表的新列中显示产品类别

标签 wordpress woocommerce product orders taxonomy-terms

我想添加一个自定义列,以在 wooCommerce 的订单历史表中显示产品类别


对于这个例子,我只有 1 种产品,但如果我能显示不止一种税,那就更好了。

这是我发现的(来自:skyverge 博客)添加新专栏:

 * Adds a new column to the "My Orders" table in the account.
 * @param string[] $columns the columns in the orders table
 * @return string[] updated columns
function sv_wc_add_my_account_orders_column( $columns ) {

    $new_columns = array();

    foreach ( $columns as $key => $name ) {

        $new_columns[ $key ] = $name;

        // add ship-to after order status column
        if ( 'order-number' === $key ) {
            $new_columns['order-ship-to'] = __( 'Catégorie', 'textdomain' );

    return $new_columns;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_columns', 'sv_wc_add_my_account_orders_column' );




  • woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_columns 过滤器自 WooCommerce 2.6.0 起已弃用。并替换为 woocommerce_account_orders_columns
  • 在列中添加内容的部分丢失

要添加内容,您可以使用 woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_column_{$column_id} Hook , 在这种特殊情况下,$column_id 需要替换为 order-category


// Adds a new column to the "My Orders" table in the account.
function filter_woocommerce_account_orders_columns( $columns ) {
    $new_columns = array();

    foreach ( $columns as $key => $column ) {

        $new_columns[ $key ] = $column;

        // Add after order number column
        if ( $key === 'order-number' ) {
            $new_columns['order-category'] = __( 'Catégorie', 'woocommerce' );

    return $new_columns;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_account_orders_columns', 'filter_woocommerce_account_orders_columns', 10, 1 );

// Adds data to the custom "order-category" column in "My Account > Orders"
function filter_woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_column_order( $order ) {
    // Initialize
    $categories = array();
    // Loop through order items
    foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item_key => $item ) {
        // Get product ID
        $product_id = $item->get_product_id();
        // Get terms
        $term_names = wp_get_post_terms( $product_id, 'product_cat', array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
        // Loop through term names
        foreach ( $term_names as $term_name ) { 
            // NOT in array
            if ( ! in_array( $term_name, $categories, true ) ) {
                // Push one or more elements onto the end of array
                array_push( $categories, $term_name );
    // NOT empty
    if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) {
        echo implode( ', ', $categories );
add_action( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_column_order-category', 'filter_woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_column_order', 10, 1 );

关于wordpress - 在 WooCommerce "My account"订单表的新列中显示产品类别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69649960/


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