assembly - ARMV8指令集的CSET指令

标签 assembly arm arm64




CSET Wd, cond

Conditional Set: Wd = if cond then 1 else 0.


Conditional set: conditionally select between 0 and 1 or -1, for example to materialize the condition flags as a Boolean value or mask in a general register.

您可以将其转换为简单的三元运算:Wd = cond ? 1 : 0 .所以,如果 condtrue , Wd = 1 .否则,Wd = 0 .

cond - A standard ARM condition EQ, NE, CS|HS, CC|LO, MI, PL, VS, VC, HI, LS, GE, LT, GT, LE, AL or NV with the same meanings as in AArch32. Note that although AL and NV represent different encodings, as in AArch32 they are both interpreted as the “always true” condition. Unless stated AArch64 instructions do not set or use the condition flags, but those that do set all of the condition flags. If used in a pseudo-code expression this symbol represents a Boolean whose value is the truth of the specified condition test.

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