javascript - 如何获取已被 JavaScript 的 .bind() 函数绑定(bind)的参数

标签 javascript google-chrome


function add(x){
  return x + 1

var func = add.bind(null, x)
// how do I get the value of `x` from the `func` variable alone?



function bind(fn, boundThis, ...args) {
  const bound = fn.bind(boundThis, ...args)
  bound.__targetFunction__ = fn;
  bound.__boundThis__ = boundThis;
  bound.__boundArgs__ = args
  return bound;
你像 Function.prototype.bind 一样使用它但您还可以访问绑定(bind)值和原始函数:
function addOne(x) {
  return x + 1
const two = bind(addOne, null, 1)
console.log(two())  // print 2
console.log(two.__boundArgs__)  // print [1]

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