service-fabric-stateless - 如何重新启动 Service Fabric 应用程序

标签 service-fabric-stateless azure-service-fabric service-fabric-on-premises

我有一个运行无状态 Service Fabric 应用程序的 gMSA 服务帐户。该帐户最近被添加为新安全组的成员。我们没有看到应用程序正在运行,我认为这是因为用户声明是在应用程序启动时加载的。我已经看到要让它在 Windows 服务上工作,我们需要重新启动服务(mmc->服务,右键单击重新启动)。我想在 Service Fabric 中做类似的事情。


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The Restart-ServiceFabricDeployedCodePackage cmdlet ends the code package process, which restarts all of the user service replicas hosted in that process. This restart simulates code package process failures in the cluster, which tests the failover recovery paths of your service.

You can specify a code package, or you can specify a ReplicaSelector to restart the node and code package combination where the replica is hosted. This simplifies tests on the primary host node by not having to determine which Service Fabric node is the primary node before restarting that node.

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