ios - 为什么 ABGroupAddMember 失败?它返回 NO 并且不设置 CFErrorRef 值

标签 ios contacts abaddressbook

我需要阻止在我们的应用程序中显示联系人组,但是简单地从地址簿中删除组对用户来说是一种干扰。因此,我尝试在显示联系人之前删除它们,然后在完成后将它们添加回来,以便 AddressBook 保持不变,并且 iOS 联系人应用程序按原样显示组。我创建了两个数组来存储信息:

NSArray *aGroups;
NSMutableArray *aGroupMembers;

我删除组,存储它们,并在 viewWillAppear 中显示选择器:

// Remove group records for the life of this view.
CFErrorRef error;
ABAddressBookRef abRef = ABAddressBookCreate();
NSArray *groups = (NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllGroups(abRef);
if (groups.count > 0) {

    // we will remove the groups so save for restoration
    self.aGroups = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:groups];
    aGroupMembers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:groups.count];
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.count; i++) {

        NSArray *members = (NSArray *)ABGroupCopyArrayOfAllMembers([groups objectAtIndex:i]);
        NSMutableArray *memberIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[members count]];
        for (id member in members) {
            ABRecordID ID = ABRecordGetRecordID(member);
            [memberIDs addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:ID]];

        [aGroupMembers insertObject:memberIDs atIndex:i];
        [memberIDs release];

        // Remove the group from the addressbook
        ABAddressBookRemoveRecord(abRef, [groups objectAtIndex:i], &error);

    ABAddressBookSave(abRef, nil);
    self.picker.addressBook = abRef;


然后在 viewWillDisappear 和 willResignActive 中,我“尝试”重新创建组,将成员重新添加到每个组中,然后添加回地址簿。但是,我无法将成员添加回来,因为 ABGroupAddMember() 失败。当我检查调试器中的变量时,组名和人的名字都是正确的。我看不到问题,并且 CFErrorRef 值未设置。

// Restore the group records.
if (self.aGroups != nil) {

    CFErrorRef error = nil;
    CFTypeRef grpName = nil;
    CFTypeRef firstName = nil;
    ABRecordRef newGroup = nil;
    ABAddressBookRef abRef = ABAddressBookCreate();

    // Re-create the groups
    for (int i = 0; i < self.aGroups.count; i++) {

        // Create the new group
        newGroup = ABGroupCreate();
        grpName = ABRecordCopyValue((ABRecordRef)[self.aGroups objectAtIndex:i], kABGroupNameProperty);
        ABRecordSetValue(newGroup, kABGroupNameProperty, grpName, &error);

        // Create the members
        NSArray *memberIDs = (NSArray*)[aGroupMembers objectAtIndex:i];
        for (NSNumber *iD in memberIDs) {

            ABRecordRef person = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID(abRef,iD.intValue);
            firstName = ABRecordCopyValue((ABRecordRef)person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);                
            BOOL bSuccess = ABGroupAddMember(newGroup, person, &error);
            if (!bSuccess) {
                //NSString *errorStr = [(NSString *)CFErrorCopyDescription(error) autorelease]; // this cause EXEC_BAD_ACCESS


    // Save the changes
    ABAddressBookSave(abRef, nil);

    self.aGroups = nil;
    [aGroupMembers removeAllObjects];
    aGroupMembers = nil;


当我尝试将通过 CardDAV 协议(protocol)从 Google 同步到我的 iPhone 的联系人添加到以编程方式创建的本地群组时,就发生了这种情况。

事实证明,您无法将同步联系人添加到本地群组,反之亦然,但它只是返回 NO,而不将 error 参数设置为任何错误消息解释为什么它不起作用。



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